That tough conversation time... or paranoia?

I personally think that outside influence would be the clincher. The one teacher and her brother… teachers and family are supposed to talk you out of bad behavior, not into it. When I do ask her why she is curious: Two reasons; one to better understand and help John, two, she’s tired of being a goodie-two-shoe.

I’m thinking the “goodie-two shoe” thing is coming from “friends” who aren’t really her friends. I know this conversation has to happen, and it would help if she could get away from some of the negative people. She’s a hard kid to argue with because she gets extra calm and logical. NO temper tantrums, no yelling, no pouting, just very calm I just almost wish she would throw a hissy. But that has never been her style.

That hard talk has to happen, I keep picturing sort of a “pre-intervention” I know that doesn’t exist (does it?) I could invent a new thing. The pre-intervention.

Thank you for that… I think I really am looking for that beginning dialogue, the opener.
I’ve been trying to learn boundaries for myself, I wonder if I have to set them for John as well. The kid is a savvy smart kid, but John is her blind spot. Thank you again, much to ponder and act on.

Always looking for ideas…