Dealing With Unhealthy Eating Habits

My brother Terence is living with me. He has schizophrenia. Even though I am not the best cook in the world, I do my best to make sure that he has the option to eat healthy home cooked meals when I can.

However, it is incredibly hard to get him to eat, sometimes anything at all. He just says that he isn’t hungry or that he doesn’t feel like eating. At first I was worried that these habits would grow worse and damage his health.

Lately, he has been eating, but nothing good. When he does eat, it is usually sweets. He will feel ill after eating unhealthily. He will actually buy sweets and then hide it from me, because he knows that I don’t like him eating the way he does. When I ask him why he is hiding something as innocent as candy from me, he says I complain to much.

So, my question is, is there anything I can do? Does anyone else deal with or have dealt with this problem? What did you do?