Divorced and Confused

I’ve been married twice, been divorced twice. Both relationships took up 15 straight years of my life. Now I’ve been single for almost 2 years and still find it very difficult.
My last marriage/divorce was a disaster and now I’ve kind of lost hope. I’m sure I don’t want to marry again but find dating impossible. Another thing, my last wife was 10yrs younger than me. Now I see women that are the same age as me 10yrs older than me. (don’t take that the wrong way) I’m not opposed to dating women my age or older.
This sucks.

sorry :heart:
take care :alien:

Give yourself time to adjust-2 years is not that long.
A good chance to find out about yourself, and what you like to do!

Hi @bridgecomet! You’re right. A relationship wouldn’t be healthy for me yet. Things are going in the right direction for me and I really don’t want to jeopardize the bit of recovery I have. Thanks.

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