I'm just like you

We are just starting our journey as a family. Our child had other issues growing up due to trauma, but nothing like what we are experiencing now. We also have a second child who has no empathy for what their sibling is going through. They also think it’s just manipulation and narcissism. It is hard to watch because at one time they were so close. It is heartbreaking.

We are so new to this we are still awaiting appropriate diagnosis. Everything has progressed over the past year with the raging psychosis only being recent. It all has caught us very off guard because we thought we were just dealing with issues from the trauma and now it seems to be so much more. I’m trying to rush to get guardianship in place so we can get consistent treatment in place but the disease seems to be moving much faster than the legal system. I’m trying to educate myself… Reading Amador’s book and googling everything. We went from letting our child eat and sleep and basically do what they want (hoping they just needed a break from stress and pressure) to hoping the guardianship comes through so that a consistent routine can be established. We’ve known our child to sleep for 20 hours or stay awake for almost three days.

Everything is so new and we feel so unprepared for each new symptom.