Missing my son terribly

Hi a wee update on my son , he is now awaiting a bed in an open mental health unit , he is coming out with me and doing some shopping for himself , he is starting conversations which is really good , we are on top of his physical issues with clozapine and he is prescribed more than than the therapeutic levels , it’s took a long time but for anyone reading this who’s loved one is unwell and you think this will not get better , believe me it can and will happen xx


@Lanne, I’m glad medication is helping. My son is also starting to initiate conversations here and there, which is all new to us. I will take any little improvement I can get.

Wishing your son the best @ the mental health facility, and wishing you a little bit of peace.

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Thank you for your update, @Lanne. I’m glad things are looking up. I am glad you posted as successes are important to share, and they DO happen. Starting conversations is really really hard for my daughter still, but more are happening now than ever since her illness began, she is even making the occasional phone call too. I’m glad @mbheart for the conversations initiated by your son. Yes, every little improvement is important to note. I have a recorded voicemail message saved on my phone from my daughter to me, it makes me smile to listen to it every once in a while as she giggles on it. I love to listen to that recorded laugh. I don’t think she’s laughed more than 10 times since her illness started, so that recorded laugh is worth a million dollars to me.

Wishing everyone the strength and hope to continue their struggle for their loved one.


Everyday I ask myself what will happen to my son when I pass. There is not a person within 5000 miles who really cares whether he or I breath another day. My twins became ill one at a time. Late high school/mid college. As a mother I couldn’t have been more pleased at the human beings they had become: respectful of others, kind, goal oriented ----good people. Then darkness crept in. Friends go away… both theirs and mine. One of my Sons drank too much water. Way too much water. He was unconscious -----and… There is not greater pain than the loss of a child. Even when he was sick and suffering he still had such love and hope in his heart. His twin brother and I suffer this everyday. The loneliness that exudes from my son is so heard to bear. He was such a fun and witty young man so full of hope and noble ambition. ( English teacher, coach) . Somehow I felt a sense of comfort ‘knowing’ they would have each other. I am not well and I swear I cry every night for the one that is gone but more for the one that will be alone.There is the Proxy Parent Foundation…does anybody know anything about them? I am looking for first hand experience. We live a totally isolated existence. It is heartbreaking to watch him suffer and his future? OMG. Sorry for the rant. I do understand.


Your’s is such a sad story. I have 2 sets of twins as nieces and nephews. They have a special connection. But I believe that connection remains, even when one dies before the other. Your son may feel that connection still.:rose:

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It is OK @Lill to come here and rant. Welcome to the site. You may get some ideas here to help ease your mind and to help you make future plans. I am so sorry you are hurting so badly.

I’m so sorry. My heart breaks for you. I hope you can go to some support meetings. I will pray for you and your son.