My boyfriend wont even allow my son i the house to see me

My boyfriend, who is still married, even though we have been together for 5 years now, wont even allow my son in the house to come and visit me. They had a falling out a few weeks ago and my son and he exchanged bad words so my boyfriend kicked him out of the house. Tonite he told me he doesnt even want my son to come over to visit me, to get his belongings, visit his dog, for any reason at all. I am being emotionally and mentally abused. I dont work. My boyfriend pays all the bills, he makes alot of money. But I am being told to abandon my child, my blood when he is still married to another woman. I know what I must do. I need to leave. I will not leave my child,ever. Not for anyone.


Something I read recently commented that chains of love bind us much more firmly than metal chains ever could.

I feel the same as you do, I will not abandon my son. I am sorry your boyfriend won’t allow your son in the house to see you.

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I agree with your decision 100% and I hope the best for you and your son.


I’m in full support as well. I think you are a wise woman. I am now living separately from my BF. We are still together and my son lives with me. Maybe something like that could work for you. My sons behavior became too much for my BFs son and it was also hard on him. We are still solid.

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