On Taking a Chance and Fighting My Fears

Catherine, you deserve a chance to be with a friend for few days. you had done a great job helping your son to be on meds for long time. you are not at all selfish or irresponsible.

during these few days, your son will have the chance to be little independent and take care of himself on his own. I would make sure he just has enough refill to last him for at least a week until your return and of course you will checking on him daily by phone.

Hope you have a great times with your friend.

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I just want to say how much hope your post has given me for the future for my son.
My thoughts in regards to you going away is that although we do face many challenges with this illness we seem to survive and overcome any set backs. We do get smarter and stronger and this is our life. So we need to keep living and take those steps if we think we can and take the challenges as they come.
You and your son both have the right to live and do things for your lives independently of each other. Give him the credit and respect that he can do this.
While you are away make sure you allocate a morning and evening phone call for each other and reassure him if he needs to, to call you more.
I don’t think a few days apart will do much damage and he will learn to cope if he has any stress with the situation.
Make sure he has all he needs and phone numbers to call the doctor. As well as you have your plan B if need be.
I think this is something you two should do a little more so you both have a little bit of space.

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