Why do/don't you smoke marijuana?

According to the people who had major panic attacks or worsened psychosis from it, yeah.
I know that would do the trick for me, for sure. Doesn’t matter how much I like it, if it gave me a scary psychotic break (or in my case, more likely a debilitating panic attack), I’d quit. Anything that causes the scariest moments in my life, I’d quit.
I suppose she could be unaware that that’s what causes it… but I think she’s smarter than that. SZ or not, I’d think that anyone would question the causes of a breakdown that isn’t in keeping with their normal psychosis.

I did. Told her you all seem like really nice people, and actually know each other and care. So much that I wish you were all on the other mental illness type forums, I have a hard time finding a community as active and supportive as this for my anxiety and OCPD.
She said it seemed a good idea, but with her that’s no real indication of whether she’ll actually do it… But I did what I could.

Okay, give it time. When I first found the forum I didn’t want to post either

If there is a causal link it is likely just about age of onset. Schizophrenia rates remain pretty constant in the population when cannabis use soars. This along with other kinds of evidence suggests cannabis does not cause schizophrenia.

A lot of people self-medicate with weed, no different for schizophrenics, but for most it is an addiction they would be better off without.

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Why don’t you (and she) quit for at least three months (a year would be better data) and see whether or not symptoms decrease?

Huh, I never even considered that. That is an interesting way to look at it, since with legalization in some states I’m sure use has soared in the past couple years.

i have never smoked mj before but my parents and brother are avid smokers. i grew up with that smell around the house. i don’t smoke because i remember my parents choosing marijuana over my brother and i.

smoked a lot before psychotic, now on meds and smoking too, doesnt do harm in any way, its great

I stopped smoking it in 1990. It sent my symptoms through the roof. I am been clean and sober from all drugs and alcohol since 1990. When I was using, I drank all the time, smoked tons of crack, experimented with heroin, snorted my share of cocaine, even took LSD once, but the only drug that I couldn’t handle was marijuana. It effected me worse than any of those things I listed.


i have paranoid sz and i just smoked like 3 joints after years of not smoking, BAD IDEA! it had an instant effect of relaxing me…but it also had a delayed reaction time and when it hit me i was on the second joint and then the paranoid thought kicked in…kept flowing through my head…then i was so high to the point that i couldn’t speak…i also had a migraine during the high…probably because of the dehydration…but i eventually sobered up enough to walk home…but i was still a bit high…but this did not last long as when i got home i was so burnt out that i couldn’t sleep…had insane insomnia…my head was on fire and still is today…i have the worst hangover i have ever had in my life…complete hell…still feel like total shit…went to bed for a little bit got a little bit of sleep but woke up and soon after the burnt out exhausted feeling has returned…i wonder did i smoke way too much? OR is this a reaction to my diagnosis…the guy i smoked with has the same diagnosis as me but he is also on depression meds that i am trying to get on…i have tried everything to beat this hangover but nothing has worked but failing at sleep…im wondering if it will ever wear off…

The morning after the first time that I smoked hash, I had my first hallucinations – “hearing” my best friend’s grandfather constantly humming in tune with the truck motor as he drove me home from our weekend jaunt.

A decade+ later, I started smoking pot, which quickly went from a carefully discipled monthly “treat” to a daily, after work event… And it was then that my head started ‘telling’ me:

“You should die. You need to die.”

When I finally quit the pot, those ‘commands’ stopped.

Currently, my mother needs me, and I’m doing all that I can to make her more comfortable as she approaches death. When she dies, maybe I’ll revisit pot “for fun” and let this shitty world dissolve once again. By then, it won’t matter anymore.

There is nobody on this planet who can convince me that cannabis in any form is “beneficial” to those predisposed to SZ, such as myself… And the notion that it is, is complete and utter bullspit. Wake the hell up.

I don’t smoke any more because I can’t take it. I used to be a fairly heavy drug user in my early life… and I was all over the board with my drug use.

But when I cleaned up… things got better… and I ended up smoking pot again… and it all came back. The intrusive thoughts… the confusion… the paranoia… the violent visions… and some other really sneaky brained thinking.

I am so surprised I didn’t land back in hospital…

Being free from pot has made life so much easier.

If you wanted to torture me put me in smoke filled room,i would rathet hav my toenail torn out with pliers,i wss diagnosed at 18with SZ and it was never pleasant before that and even somtimes just as bad as after i was diagnosed, it has to be an individual chemistry thing for anybody with SZ ornot.

I don’t like the high. It makes me paranoid, gives me dry mouth, and makes me think things that are unpleasant to think. I really don’t like it when I get really, really high, like when I smoke two joints of kick ass weed with someone. I’ve seen marijuana do a lot of damage, but I still think it is less dangerous than alcohol, because it doesn’t incapacitate or ruin your judgement like alcohol. I just like to be drunk, even though it probably will kill me.

I never know what did the most damage to me… the pot… or the constant heavy drinking…

With pot I’m just doing my own head in… I’m opening up my own head circus. when I was drunk… I was bringing other people into my drama.

You know those people who are lovey drunks? I’m not one of them… I’m the other type… the violent, abusive type. I pushed a lot of people out of my live to make room for Alcohol.

It’s very hard to imagine you like that. It seems you’ve come a long way. Happy for your sobriety.

Thank you for that…

I’ve worked hard not to be the man I once was.

Yeah me too. Cheers to us (with a glass of juice)

Based on what I’ve seen for over a decade now, everyone responds differently, whether it’s prescription medication or marijuana. My son who has schizophrenia is more relaxed, less anxious, happier and sleeps better when he smokes. Saw the article below in another post in this forum… sounds like it could potentially help many.

The new strain of cannabis that could help treat psychosis -