
I have gotten some information on guardianship. Here it’s substitute decision maker. I will not be taking this step right now however will do more research on it for future.

Yesterday we meet with Ready4Life and he is signed up with them and they are looking into a room rental for him probably within the next month or two. Ready4Life has their own crisis number that he can now call. They will help him with getting furnishings if needed and take him to the food bank if needed etc. They have information on his diagnose and treatment team so they can better help him.

My husband and I had a good talk with him and I have insisted on rec’ing the correct amount from his disability payments and I let him know that I’m done with the bullshit and the lies. It was a little hard for him but I think reality is starting to set in. He acknowledged that he has been acting like an asshole.

I told him what is happening with his Nana and that he can not talk to her right now that it is having a negative impact on her mental health. He has agreed to not have contact until his father approves.

Hopefully within the next month, if he is still here, he will meet with another worker through PACT who is family support and should become his main caseworker. I have asked for more help for my son that he needs help learning to communicate and deal with his emotions better.

As of yesterday he is showing less resistance to taking an active part in PACT’s weekly outings so that he can meet new people/friends. He has expressed a need for help with some things and that he seems unable to do certain things like school right now due to his own inability to concentrate. He seemed agreeable when I stated that we may have to accept that he does in fact have schizophrenia. He is happy with the Invega so far and it does seem to be working.

That sounds like a huge improvement. I am relieved.

Sounds great Barbie!
Just for consideration–you can also get a payee for your son. That way, you won`t have to deal with any fights over “his” money. With C, I was the payee for awhile. But he was always thinking I took some of it-or when it came in, he wanted it " right now!! ". Caused a lot of tension and fighting. He did not spend wisely. The payee will send the check every week. They will pay all exspences first-rent, utilities, etc…he wii get the remainder. My son never argues with his payee. I guess the 3rd party thing tends to work better with my son
I think you are doing the right thing for all concerned.
Hang tough!!