Hb starting Sarcosine today

We got our Sarcosine in the mail today. My HB took his first dose this afternoon when I got home. He’s starting with the recommended 1/2 scoop twice a day and then slowly build depending on his response. I know there is no miracle drug or cure but I’m praying for good results for hm. I will update as the weeks progress. Happy Thursday everyone!


That’s great! please keep us updated…

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Trixiedb1 how was week one for your HB on Sarcosine?
My son has his appointment next week with his meds doctor, and I was going to ask him about it.

Thanks for checking in. He’s doing pretty good. We haven’t seen a significant change quite yet but I’ve noticed his mood is a little better and he’s more open to talking about things that are bothering him. I’m looking forward to seeing how it goes as we increase the dosage next week. Right now he is taking the recommended amount which is 1/2 g in the morning and 1/2 g in the afternoon. His Pdoc suggested that for 2 weeks and then increase to 1g in am and 1 g in pm. I’ll keep you posted.
I hope for good results for your son if he decides to try it!
Happy Thursday!

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