Hospital Won't Tell Us Anything

Yes, they released him without a discharge plan. He slept in the hospital lobby the first night. He threatened suicide, we called the cops, they said they couldn’t do anything. If I may ask how was a psych able to bring him to court to have meds mandated? My brother also refuses everything, so much so we don’t even have a diagnosis. But schizophrenia runs in my family and he is extremely paranoid / delusional so it doesn’t seem like a stretch to assume…

How were you able to get him infront of a psych?

I’m so happy that the shot has been working for your son.

Thank you so much for your support and guidance. Now that he is released, he texts me & my whole family constantly. He has three restraining orders against him and is convinced all the women are conspiring against him to send him to jail. I keep trying to tell him he won’t go to jail if he doesn’t break the rules… He doesn’t understand that. He thinks they all lied to get restraining orders. I think he blacks out when he is in really full psychosis? I’m not sure if that’s something anyone else has experienced with a loved one but the first time he went to a woman’s place of work to harass her he didn’t remember it the next day and claimed she lied even though ofc there is video footage of it…

I cannot mention a diagnosis or meds to him. He does not believe he is sick. Any mention of those things spark an absolute meltdown and onslaught of insults… I just can’t handle any more insults.

Social Security Disability, covers Medicare and Medicaid.
Mental illness is eligible.

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Ah yes, thank you. He does not have a diagnosis as he refuses to see a psychiatrist. My dad took care of his younger sister who was sz and had housing for her SSI etc etc. But without a diagnosis none of that is possible unfortunately.

:pensive: I’m so sorry he was released with no discharge plan
Unfortunately a( common occurrence) he may of been refusing meds or participation .and then they don’t usually keep them. From my experience anyways.
It’s awful.
I’m glad you found yourself a NAMI meeting keep seeking support for yourself maybe your parents will eventually attend as well.
He’s calling your mom names,
this abusive language is also unfortunately very common .
One of the NAMI principles is to separate the person from the illness, this is one I use a lot . My sibling has said some wild Inappropriate stuff , that’s when I think about the separation of him vs illness.
So it’s good he is in communication and you know his whereabouts.
It’s hard to say what’s next . But here are a few thoughts
You could try and get a hold of( adult protective services)
Look at state guardianship in his location.
Get in touch with the mobile crisis unit and see if they will talk to him again .
My sibling was also to paranoid to stay at the shelter and was on the streets for months 1 year.
The PTSD from that experience is bad. Of course many get PTSD from the hospital it’s just a hard situation all around.
Sounds like your sibling also has anosegnosia has a wealth of information on this
Thank you for sharing here I wish there was a guide book that worked for everyone wishing you strength during this time.