I’m so sad.. feeling hopeless and helpless

I was apprehensive when my daughter was taken off her haldol injection, but it seemed obvious to us she was being over medicated with the injection along with oral haldol and abilify. It was also taking a toll on her physical health. Nutritional supplements and essential oils have helped a lot. I will look into the Hardy Nutritionals.

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Our pharmacist is very helpful, His recommendation to take the MYDNA testing showed us the anti psychotic drugs being prescribed (no improvements whatsoever) were just adding more poison to our daughters body, some prescribed drugs were not even being absorbed or a reduced response.
The results indicated in our report the minor and normal impacts of all mental health drugs, patients relevant drugs, even vitamins and how the body will absorb and respond.
Haloperidol showed a normal impact, however, any improvement to date has been minimal.

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So true @gijane… juggling all these drugs, withdrawing & starting new to find the right combination is very difficult.


Don’t despair there are many different meds. Keep a journal of what she’s on and dose and her mood. My son did terrible on haldol but they kept wanting to increase dose I showed how 75 % of the time he had a bad day and refused to increase and insisted on switch.


@Sandy1234 Thankyou, do you mind me asking what medication your son switched to that made a difference, I do keep a daily diary, show it to the Dr each visit.

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DNA testing is a BEAUTIFUL thing. My sis-in-law, who suffers seizures since her early teens (result of mild brain damage from bad skiing accident) as well as a debilitating anxiety disorder, ADHD and clinical depression, has been struggling most of her life since to find meds that balance and work for her. Finally last year (she’s in her 30’s now) her new psychiatrist (after a voluntary hospitalization) ordered DNA testing. It was absolutely amazing to find out that half the things she’d been rotating off and on, since most often a med might seem to help for a very short amount of time then be ineffective, she was in that on-again-off-again-switch-med cycle, many of them cumulative so the waiting to see the result then the waiting and effects of weening off, half these meds simply were not conducive to her genetic makeup. Amazing!


Catherine, I’m so uplifted by your story of hope and success! Thank you for sharing all your experience and wisdom too!

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Vallpen, I love the small positive reinforcement with the coffee! And as far a phlebotomists go, I’m absolutely convinced they are the most cheerful and pleasant and most well-adjusted group of people on the face of this earth! It’s true! Lol


Not my experience with phlebotomists I’m afraid. Some are nicer than others. I try to stay on their good side if I can, and always give them choice of which arm they draw from.

Maggie, Im so sorry that you are going through this. If its any consolation, your description reads as a mirror image of my life. I am probably newer to this than you are. Its so very bewildering and scary and angering at times. I had plans. I wanted to retire in another decade, but, now…that seems like …an impossibility. My heart breaks for you and me. I know you look at your lovely daughter and see your hopes and dreams for her shattered on the ground. I look into my girl’s eyes and sadness just overcomes me, because she’s not there, she’s in another realm. Please be kind to yourself. Take pleasure in the tiny little things. Take time out for yourself. I know its easy to say and much harder to do, but let’s try, you and I.


@gillchan0101 - I think its great how you are reaching out and finding a partner on this path. That helped me so much!

Virtual (((hugs))) to all!!!


@gillchan0101 such comforting words, Thankyou … shattered dreams for many of us, our daughters and loved ones, as @oldladyblue once wrote to me, we can but only hope for a miracle.

virtual hugs across the oceans …


Yes, hugs. I love hugs, they brighten the world a bit.


My son took himself off meds 2 years ago. He can be violent and doesn’t speak to anyone in the family . He’s currently in jail and I have no idea what his mental state is . I worry 24/7 And taking antidepressant now . Very sad … Wish things were different . Hate this illness


@JenJen I am so so sorry … the worry would be constantly with you… take care.

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Very sad and hopeless at times

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And just a note: Coffee affects the absorption of Clozapine (actually greater with coffee) so I have read it is important to be consistent in the amount of daily coffee one drinks (or none). I expect an occasional slight variation is not problematic.

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Great advice thankyou @hope4us

Here for you, sorry to hear it


It was Vrylar. He’d been on it for about 2 months. They increased the dose to help more. Well… he had a crisis with running out in traffic. He spent 12 days in the Behavioral Health Facility. They let him out on Friday. Then on Sunday night he cut himself and he’s back in there. He’d been walking, darting, jumping and growl-yelling. The whole weekend… I knew something wasn’t right. They added 2 more meds. Ambien did help him sleep finally. The Dr now says that since he’s been on so many meds and he’s not getting any better they are going to try an injectable. Clozaril. Once a week for 6 months…What do we have to loose?