Severe Negative Symptoms

@GSSP I never want to get use to it, I pray that he gets insight and into recovery.


Thank you @GSSP for the photos and the recording of your daughter. She looks so pretty and so happy in the last photo with her boyfriend. I listened to the recording on ECT. I know only one other person who has had it, and she too said it improved her whereas the medication didnā€™t.

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@GSSP I tried a few times to listen to this video but it will not run.

Is there another way I can try this?

Turn off restricted mode in You Tube. My vids are not available to the publicā€¦

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I did have it restrictive mode off. I think the problem might me I have an older laptop. Sometimes I can view vid and others I can not.

You should keep hope for this. It IS possible. However, we also have to recognize that we cannot solve all problems. But we can keep trying, as long as we are also taking care of ourselves and any other people whom we care about.

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Sorry for my late reply I have had not time to get back here to read things. Just playing catch up now. I can see your own journey and that of your sons has indeed been a hard one. I hear your every word . I can understand why its difficult even though you would want him to live with you with the meds etc. My son just started living with me and ā€¦ yeah its tough going.
I hope you continue to get the support YOU need and im learning quickly its important not to forget your own needs! Sending you my best Dino

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Thatā€™s how I handle it. Really no other way.