What is the difference between narcicissm and schizophrenia?

Overlaps explained well. Thank you.

I encourage you to look up various posts on this site that talk about anosognosia and LEAP. Definitely look at https://lfrp.org/home (@Maggotbrane post above) and read the book “I Am Not Sick; I Don’t Need Help”. It is my strong belief that this has the highest possibility of helping someone who is not able to admit he/she needs help.

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thank you very much.

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Wow this is my experience too, and i wonder the same. Exactly the same. If i speak to a cashier, boss, workmate, random person on street I am sleeping with them. If I am nice to anyone, I am sleeping with them. My friend’s boyfriend, no one is immume and it changes all the time too. So delusional and irrational. The controlling behaviour, checking my phone, finding false evidenced of affairs on it, foe ages i gave him my password so he could look but it actually made him worse so I revoked his access, all accusations twisted and remote far away from truth. And the accusations when he has been the only one on the grey line of uncomfortable behaviours in this regard. The lies when you clearly show him that its not ok, or catch him doing something he won’t admit to. It is hard to endure.

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This as well. He always wants us to attend couples counselling like the issues are with us or somehow related to us. Refuses to see a psyciatrist. The basis of a relationship seem to br hard to fulfil and it just cannot move foreard into a comfortable future. The time spent on him several times a week accusing in line with his delusions, drags us backwards not forewards. The manipulations and controls though im ferlimg from experiences on here are more to do with undiagnosed SZ than NPD… its hard work indeed.

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