My elderly mother wants my son to go to a funeral. I want to put her away. It’s stressful enough to have him sick
Pretty sorry to hear that.
We went to visitation for a funeral. My son stayed outside. The voices were bothering him. Mom did not get it. I was not surprised he did not go in, I love her but she does not get it. He hears spiritual voices. They get bad at church. I believe God understands.
I have problems with “spiritual voices” and yes they get stronger when I’m sitting in church. I think because my mind has time to wander while I’m just sitting around listening to the readers and the priest give his little speak, or whatever you want to call it. What’s worse is I get more and more paranoid when the priest looks in my direction and I feel like he’s looking directly at me, despite having a crowded church, and usually between 5 - 10 pews of people ahead of me that he could be looking at.
But the voices tell me, “he’s looking at you, and you’re going to hell…” even though I don’t think I’ve done anything worth going to hell for. They make me feel guilty for listening to them when I should be listening to the priest. Mean while I’m trying not to bring attention to myself to those around me so I’m sitting there with my eyes shifting back and forth trying to avoid getting looked at by the priest and that nasty religious voice telling me I’m bound for an eternity in hell because I’m listening to the voices and not the priest like I should be. So I don’t go to church like I should. We actually haven’t gone in a while now, and now my dad has been working on Sunday’s so we really couldn’t go unless we went on Saturday night, but some reason that doesn’t feel good enough because church is a Sunday thing…you go to church on the Sabbath day, not the day before.
But I pray often that God understand why I have a hard time in church, after all he was the one who let me develop Schizophrenia in the first place. I’ve always been taught that God doesn’t give you more than he thinks you can handle, and that he is a kind and forgiving God…after all that is why he sent his only son down to us to be crucified on the cross…to forgive mankind and their sins. But since that happened before I was born does it count for the future of Man’s sins or just the sins of the generations during and before Christ’s time?
It counts for you and my son. it counts for all generations. God loves you. You don’t earn your way to heaven . Gods grace saves us.
This weekend I took a break on the deck and just sat quietly and actually dozed a bit, and my son sat on the deck with me. Right after that, he clearly was having problems with voices. I wondered if the just sitting idle had caused some problems.
I am an activity director in a nursinghome. I keep people busy all day to stop symtoms. It gets tiring trying to divert voices. They say music helps. I wish I could quit works. I am getting old.
Sometimes that does happen, but then it happens with me too when I’m way too stressed and overworked it’s like my brain just craps out on me and I give into the hallucinations and voices as an escape. It’s not always a good escape either but as a Schizophrenic my brain doesn’t always work the way I want it to.
You wrote:
"Give him hope that they can go away or be more controlled"
what you said is not a solve to the problem,and make up false hope
any schizophrenic knows that,when the voice has emitted internally,he can not
controlling (mute} the emission process
-impact of voice emission, make the attention has go away,and the
thoughts of mind be controlled (mute }!!
In sum,
-you should have knowledgeable about the things that the person coexist with
when someone says,i talks to water or air,sun,disease,illness,symptom,gene,
biochemistry,voice,phone,sound,vocal wave …etc
he is illogical person,because he must be talk to a higher organism,to an entity
have the ability to understanding the speech language
How can make bilateral discussion with the air or voice ?
if the doctors has classified the "voices " as a symptom of disease or illness,
this means that,the schizophrenic talks and hears a symptom /disease or biochemistry
All of you talk about the voices as they are higher organism ,while the heard voice is not
higher organism,because the linguistic voices must be used by the higher organism to
express about themselves
In sum.the schizophrenic has living internally with a new kind of higher organism,and
the voice is merely a way of bilateral communication
HOW can all of you give advice to the schizophrenic person
AbAt, I don’t think anyone in this discussion believes that the “voices” belong to a higher organism. I think everybody is aware that there is a type of delusion that is known as “hearing voices”. When we refer to “voices” it’s usually just shorthand for “the delusion that he is hearing someone/something speak to him”. It takes too long to write all that out. Plus, some people with sz, even with treatment DO still hear voices and do still believe they represent something “real.” Since reality is a topic for philosophers, and they still can’t answer any questions about it after thousands of years, it is usually not profitable to argue with people’s delusions. So the question is not, “Are the voices real?” But “Is hearing these voices helpful or harmful? And if harmful, what can we do about it? How can we help to get rid of them?”
1-Is there was a psychiatrist discover that the schizophrenic has heasr a voices ?
-NO,because we know that from a testimony of the schizophrenics themselves
-the psychiatrists have not the suitable scientific tools to diagnosis these voices
2-iS the psychiatrist discover existence of a whole psychological organism
within the psychological component of the schizophrenic ?
-NO,because the psychiatrist have not the suitable tool to diagnosis these organisms
At first,You should have the suitable tools,to deny the reality of these voices or
to prove the reality of its existence,without that,your theoretical views about the reality
becomes footless
You said " I don’t think anyone in this discussion believes that the voices belong to a higher organism"
1-=practically,you recognize that anyone in this discussion have not experience with
the schizophrenia,no one of them knows what it is
2-you and anyone in this discussion has built his main information about the sz wrongly !
3-your ideas,views and conclusions about the realistic facts of sz must be wrongly !
FOR example, you make mistake when you say "I think everyone is aware that there is a type of delusion that is known as “hearing voices"
a-In reality,no one of them aware things facts
b-the symptoms that so-called delusion is about the phenomenon that so-called
"hearing voices”,because the delusion is the result of bilateral communication between
the higher psychological organisms and the mind of the schizophrenic
c- hearing the voices is the action,while the delusion is the reaction "result "
c-the voices is the cause "effective ",the hearing process is way of effectiveness,
while the false beliefs is end product
you ask,how can we help to get rid of them ?
do you meant ,get rid of the voices or get rid from the higher psychological organism ( the main source of the voices "
-this depend on your real information about the characteristics of the voice source
1-if you think that,the schizophrenic has listens to the voice of his mind,and talks with himself not with others {regardless who they are },and he is make up a falsification to his cultural content by his volition …etc,it is impossible to deal with the voices whatever you do
what you know about the root origin of the voice,is the only way to deal with positivelly .
Although,the voice has been emitted inside the brain and running in the mind,but the brain cells does not emitted the voice waves ,and its informational content does not arise from the personal memories,how you can understand this puzzle ?
AbAt, may I ask you, if you are going to post on this board, to try to make your posts helpful to carers? So far, I have patiently read through every one of your posts and I have gained no insight
at all into how I might support my son. Your posts are all highly theoretical. You never talk about what you actually experience or about what helps you to function in life. And frankly, that’s my main interest: how can I help my son to live well. I am not in the least little bit interested in a debate over whether or not there is such a thing as a “psychological organism”. I don’t define reality for anyone. I don’t consider that a reasonable role in life. As a mother, however, I do support my son in his day-to-day efforts to improve his quality of life and standard of living. Please take debates about “psychological organisms” to the Unusual Beliefs board.