Any alternative medications that help?

Hello. My older brother was diagnosed with sz almost 20 years ago now. Thw illness has evolved over the years. It started with extreme psychosis - believing people where chasing him. He was very nervous. I could go into more.
He still does not believe he is unwell. He seems to lack insight.

He has been on several meds. You name it he haa has it. He has had compliance issues and relapses.
He is now much more chilled and a joy to hang with.
I do what I can. The delusions of grandeur persist. Hos personal hygiene is not great. I am working with him on this. Encouraging him to take care of that situation. Its very hard work but I have had several years to get used to it. I feel you need to have a plan and do your reaearch.

I feel the medical teams have done all they can. Its a tough job. I am not a fan of the medical teams to be honest. They dont think outside of the box at all.

I am wondering if there are any alternative meds which he can take. Natural healers and not these highly toxic drugs which are handed out like candy. I think we all know what they are. Essentially there are no new meds out there.

I am researching the benefits of mangosteen juice. Does anyone have any other ideas?


For the most ill people, APs are important. So, I am not sending alternative medications, but supplements to medication.

Here’s the list from the homepage:

N-Acetyl cysteine (NAC)
Omega-3 for Prevention
Prenatal Choline for Prevention

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Thank you. I did manage to see this. I will suggest Vitamin B and folic acid. I am sure he will take it

Thank you

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Meds are one thing but I also need to help him socialise again. Too many long stays inappropriate hospitals with no stimulation do not help him at all.

He says he wants to write so I will look for a support group for him and some therapy that involves writing or music. He is very talented. A Cambridge Grad. You can still see how sharpe he is despite the illness. I know he can beat this


My son has a long way to go too, but he is in an ICT program - that’s Intensive Community Treatment.
In some places, the call it ACT.

But, if you can get him involved in one of those programs, you might find what you’re looking for.

They’re goal is to keep people with serious mental illnesses out of the hospital, on the lowest medication level possible, then work on the rest with community-based treatment. They would help him establish some goals then work toward them. The goals don’t have to be realistic - just something he’s motivated to work for.

They try to improve socialization as much as possible, etc.

Maybe call your local mental health department and see if they offer something like this.

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Ok thank you I will explore this. My experience of Community treatment is not great. Here in the UK it merely means social workers or nurses turn up once a month to administer meds and thats it.

I will however ask if anything like what you describles exists. All said I will find something for him. He has told me what he likes. I will take small steps with him. He can be quite unrealistic so will keep him grounded and be very posiive around him.
Thanks for your direction.

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I think they told me this was based on the European STAR-ICT program, but I know the UK is much different than the US when it comes to healthcare. I can’t find anything based on that in a Google search.

It sounds like a good program, and I’m sure it is for many, but my son is only just getting well enough that he might participate in it.

He got really paranoid about his first case manager and we’re slowly trying another one.

With this program, they would come to the home to do therapy if he wanted and would let them.
They’ll take him out to a movie or to eat or whatever he likes to do so they can talk while they do that - so it’s more casual & natural than sitting in an office.

They also arrange outings for the people in the program from time to time. They go camping, to the beach, have cookouts, etc.

We have a couple members from the UK, so maybe they’ll know more than I do.

Perhaps read up on Adaptogens? There are several, I use Ashwagandha myself for stress relief and it works well for me, not sure how well they would do with schizophrenia, I would do a lot of detailed research and maybe discuss them with an open minded doctor if possible and see what they think about them as a supplement. Here is just one article I found on them but there are many more out there with more details. Adaptogenic Herbs: What Are Adaptogens? Good luck.

Ok. Thank you. I will certainly look into this

Aaw. Wonderful. I will read and yes will certainly continue to do research.

I noriced he has developed a very dry scalp since starting clozapine ( these meds are terriblly powerful and unatural ). :frowning:️

I did some research and will suggesr white cider vinegar. Will then encourage him to apply coconut oil and see how it goes

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My son has done exceptionally well on clozapine for about 8 years now (he’s 33). He doesn’t like my natural holistic approaches to things, so I don’t force him into anything other than colorful veggies at every dinner. :slight_smile: I subscribe about 95% to a holistic healing regimen for myself though. I was going to a community acupuncture program weekly for several months until it ended, it was $20 a week for a 90 minute session and it worked wonders for my PTSD and my over all well being. I am looking for a new program to rejoin. I am finding many of them have sliding fee scales which is helpful for a tight budget. I have read that acupuncture can go a long way to creating a calm and balanced mind. Like all things the acupuncturist has to be well schooled and certified. I wish my son would have tried it --but he never would and he is well enough now on the clozapine that it doesn’t matter so much. I would never suggest to abandon any psychiatric protocol in lieu of holistic medicines or treatments only because I see mental illness as a “horse of a different color” where there is no “one size fits all answer” when it comes to treatments. I wish there was, it would make all of our lives so much easier. I do support ‘not leaving any stone unturned’ in search for optimum relief for our family members though. Here is one of many articles on this subject if you’re interested. Best wishes! Acupuncture and Mental Health -

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Thank you. I am glad its working for your son

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We are in the uk . We have had access to lots , husband and I have family therapy, my son has access to EIP (early intervention in psychosis) programs which so far he doesn’t do. We have seen a psychologist and hopefully soon he will come round to it too. He’s starting a group called moving forward this week where he will have a worker to help him with goals, hobbies, training or just interests.

Last year I met too with a carer support worker for support for me.

He sees his cpn every two weeks too.
There is more out there hope you find more help.

Thank you so much. I will make enquiries about appropriate support for my brother via his Doctor.

Myself and my brother are now at the National Gallery. His choice :slight_smile: We have done church service this morning. … its a beautiful day. Keeping him company and his mind stimulated. A hospital ward is not the best place for him 24/7. I am doing what I can

I am hoping he is up for travelling next month. Lets see. Maybe I am moving too fast but thanks for all the advise. I will certainly look for support for myself too. This is not easy as you know.


You are doing great, sounds a nice day you are having. We are exactly the same , out at a lovely garden centre right now with son . It’s sunny and lovely plants and flowers to look at. Keep on in there.

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Oh sounds like a wonderful day. :grinning:

We are back in my neighbourhood now. I picked up a rather expensive parking ticket earlier. I really dont think wardens should be out on a Sunday and all parking should be free. London :(. Folks need to relax. We are not free

I will look into “moving forward”.

Have a great day

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Thank you, oh no about parking ticket!! We got two in the last six months, both parking for meetings at the hospital ironically!

I agree with hereand here but would also add Vitamin D, L-theanine, matcha tea and ashwangada