Blog - It's Not So Bad... Right?

I haven’t had a chance to read much yet but I have read some. It’s a mom’s blog and her son is diagnosed with a number of disorders.

My son has been diagnosed with ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Anxiety, OCD, and Childhood Onset Paranoid Schizophrenia. We thought for years that he was on the Autism Spectrum. Turns out that many children with Schizophrenia are misdiagnosed as Autistic. A child with a psychiatric disorder presents all kinds of new challenges that nobody can prepare you for. Add to the mix two toddlers with SPD and developmental delays and you have the makings of a very interesting and chaotic life. Now we take it one day at a time, sometimes one minute at a time. It can be really hard. Okay… it’s really, really hard. I still feel extremely blessed and I cherish my children. It’s not so bad… right?

Dear Barbie, I bet it really is very hard for you. My best friend has a challenged daughter that they just found out that she will probably be living with them for the rest of her life. I see a lot of suffering from caregivers on this site and those who are involved with a schizophrenic. People like you that care for a sick one no matter what are the truly sweethearts of this world. Take care Barbie. You are such a nice person !

Thank you jukebox for your kind words.

This blog is not mine :smile: However I try to follow as many mom blogs as I can.

That, and the incidence of autism is a bit higher among those with SZ than in the general population. I personally find my autism diagnosis handy, as it’s a better way to explain social awkwardness than SZ. More Dustin Hoffman and less axe murderer, y’know? :frowning:

Having autism with SZ is weird. I can remember almost any number forever. Unless it’s the time I have to do something, in which case I am Screwed, Blued, and Tattooed. I maintain an elaborate Google Calendar alert setup and positively drip with electronics that beep to remind me it’s time to shower, because, damn it, I can’t. I would be more than happy to tell you every file number of every movie in every location of a video store chain I worked in back in my early twenties, however.

Oy vey.


That’s such a good idea. I have access to a number of electronic devices, I don’t know why I haven’t set them up to remind/nag me to get things done.

I recently used Tasker to program my new phone to sound an alarm, pop up a message, and send my girlfriend a text to remind us both that it’s time for her to take her medication.

I need to do this for myself as well.