I looked for a topic that covers this… couldn’t find it so I thought I’d bring something up that is happening to me and see what people have to contribute.
I have a few friends I see regularly who know what is going on with my son, sort of, but really don’t understand how much it affects me. I had a REALLY bad day the other day when the three of us were together - as in I couldn’t hold back the river of tears, couldn’t take part in conversation, it was just awful, and they grew irritated with me and even after I apologized and tried to explain, things aren’t the same. Like I think our friendship is over, at least for now - mostly because of the way I feel, which is totally let down and unsupported by them.
These aren’t lifelong friends or anything but still, I thought they were more than just fair-weather acquaintances.
Have other people had to stop seeing friends outside of the mental illness circle? Do you find it hard to make small talk when things are bad at home? Do you find other people’s issues painfully trivial sometimes so you don’t know how to respond? For example, one day I said my son was psychotic again and my friend said she couldn’t get the right tile picked out for her bathroom… as if these problems were equal. How do you respond to that?
I don’t want to isolate myself and yet, I don’t want to be around people who just don’t get it either, at least not until things settle down a bit, which likely won’t be any time soon.