I just wanted to say thank you in advance for any ideas, hints or knowledge.
Again, I know this is not a Bipolar forum, but there are many members on here who are very knowledgeable about bipolar, and who has given me some very relevant and helpful information that I just felt the need to discuss another aspect.
I’ve been concerned about how deeply my youngest brother is shutting down. I’ve been told to expect him hitting depression. I am trying to be aware of how he must be in shock. He’s most likely realizing what has happened to him, the trauma of getting this diagnosis, the deep realization of everything that is coming into focus, I bet this is a lot to process; this is just my guess. I might be over thinking this.
But it’s been concerning me how he freezes up. I don’t mean just emotionally, I do mean physically. He’ll glaze over and let go for a while and be motionless, unresponsive and frozen. He will eventually resurface after a few hours. But he is moving so slow and having such a hard time responding for a while after words. He will gather speed and come back for a while. But then he’ll get tired and let go again.
I’m wondering if this might require extra meds, or maybe this shut down is a coping mechanism? I have much to learn.
I’ve been turned on to another phrase- Cationic Depression. Bipolar sites have been talking about Catatonic Depression and how it can come and go, and how it can mimic the same sort of Catatonia found in Sz. How it’s more associated with bipolar 1 which is what my brother was diagnosed with.
I remember when my oldest brother J hit a phase of frozen; but I really believe his numb unresponsive state was due to negative symptoms mixed with over medication. When his meds were cut back, he came back to us.
I do realize that due to meds, new therapies, and earlier treatment, Catatonic Sz is becoming increasingly rare. Yet, I am getting worried. My parents are also monitoring the situation. So it’s not all on my shoulders, but I am trying to understand.
Does anyone have any experience with freezing? If so; how does one help?
Thank you for letting me post