I need a few good ideas on a Christmas gift for my brother he’s 22 and was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia a few months ago. I’m clueless on what to get him for Christmas. Growing up he loved taking apart his electronic toys and figuring out how to put them back together, he used to create amazing computer sketches with photoshop, ans he loves music. We rarely talk now because he is highly suspicious of me. I want to give him something meaningful but not pushy or suggestive of anything, but my mind is blank
When my sister found out about my illness [and the resulting lack of interest or concentration it brought] she got me a tattoo colouring book, like an adult one. Really made me feel loved and it was a great focus helper. Play on his interests and make it personal, it should strike a chord
There’s a small credit card sized computer used for education and electronic hobbyist called the raspberry pi. If he enjoys playing around with electronics and programming, it’s possible he might enjoy it. There’s quite a few websites dedicated to raspberry pi projects.
All I’m asking my girlfriend for Christmas is some new house slippers. I don’t like to wear shoes in the house and my old slippers are worn out. Maybe something like that?
Hes ur brother. Id get him something that is meaningful to you before diagnosis to show hes still ur brother and you care to repair your relationship. Does he live on his own currently?
Some generic ideas that were meaningful to me: a wall clock, inspirational calendar, photos, a nice manly-scented candle, cologne, and beer. Lol
Thank you everyone for your wonderful suggestions! Reading them all made me very emotional. Sadly my family has suffered a terrible and abrupt loss. My sweet brother passed away last Thursday on Dec. 10. I am doing my best to keep the family going but it has hit us all really hard. I never thought he would leave us so soon. I’m heartbroken. Once again thank you all.