Hello everyone.
Firstly, I would like to inform you that my English is weak but I’m here because I have many questions about schizophrenia and I can’t found the answers. I will try to explain the questions as I can.
Is the person with schizophrenia realizes his disorder?
After the person become better, dose he remember what happened when he was sick?
In addition, dose he remember some moments but forget how he was acting? -
If anyone tell the person with schizophrenia to do something wrong, could he will do it without thinking?
I heard that schizophrenia is genetic predisposition not heredity. What is the difference between them? And if a parent has schizophrenia the chance of his child to get it is between 10% to 13%. Is that high?
What I have to do if I feel the person with schizophrenia is become dangerous and start violate?
If the person take (seroquel 300 and depakine 500) this means the schizophrenia is mild or profound? Could I know the schizophrenia is in high or low levels?
Schizophrenia means the person has two personality; one when he is sick (he doesn’t know what he is doing) and the othe is normal? Or in two cases the person will are not responsible about his behavior?
I will be grateful to you if you help me, the answers are very very important to me.