Got an appt at bipolar/psychosis team

Got an appointment in less than two months! I thought we had to wait a lot longer for that. I have a lot of questions sheets to fill on the computer. Estimated time is 3 HOURS!! I have not looked at the questions yet. But 3 hours. It must be atleast thousands of questions.
My son got the same questions. Luckily he loves to fill those.

My son had a psychotic break in June. We are on the waiting list for assessment team maybe August or September. . He wants to go back to school late August, but I feel like he needs to be assessed first. Please describe your experience and if it was helpful. What kind of meds did they recommend and any particular kinds of therapy besides just talk? Is your son in school?

Yes he is in school. He is 14 years old. He got Abilify today. I don’t know if the psychosis team will change his meds. We have first appt on sept 8.

He gets head aches and memory loss from Abilify. But the voices are quieter.