Hi goggles,
When this all started we were trying to get her into bullimia treatment but they refused to have her as she was considered too “complex”.
I doubt she would have complied and can understand their decision.
I think we are starting to make some inroads as after a month of meds I think she is seeing a need for support where as before it was all secret “angel” business.
The self harm/bulimia/anorexia looks like it is caused from delusions/hallucinations so is both extreme (life threatening) and not treatable by the usual psychological methods.
Like someone said earlier…it’s a mess.
hi Scarlet,
I understand to some degree the pain you are feeling…and I also relate to your daughter. When I was 19 I was diagnosed with Chronic Paranoid Schizoprhenia and anorexia. I denied both. I attempted suicide and was hospitalized. Then began a LONG period of self injury (my "specialty was burning myself with cigarettes. Now, thirty years later, I still bear the scars.
I was a wreck for 15 years. Ended up finally in a group home…later met my present husband…we 've been married over 24 years. And now MY daughter cuts…even worse than I did. My heart breaks for her…she is bulimic also. So now, I am resonating with you: the Helplessness. How do you help someone who doesn’t want help? You love them. YOu love them when they say hurtful things. YOu love them when they don’t make a stitch of sense. sometimes loving them means doing things that are hard that will make your daughter angry but which are necessary to get her well. Find support for yourself. Join a group of people who are in your shoes…sometimes hospitals will offer support groups of the family members of those who are admitted. Come here and look for support also. God bless you and your family.
Thank you locamotion for sharing your story.
It is interesting in that you have done well despite your tormented start to life, yet I sense you don’t feel that your daughter will also.,
Sounds like she is lucky to have you, who can relate to her help her through this.
Our daughter admitted yesterday that she did attempt suicide to the ‘mental health team’.
I am very confused, now I worry that she is doing everything she can to get out so she can succeed rather than that she is trying to get better.
They’ve labelled her mixed - some autistic traits, some mixed borderline personalities, schizotypal and psychotic. Well that narrows it down )-:
Thought I should give an update.
Firstly because I have emerged from my sense of total hopelessness and feel like there’s a chance that my daughter is beginning to emerge again…although we have a way to go.
Secondly because I want others to know that no matter how awful the situation may seem, where this is love and life there really is hope.
Thirdly, to all those who are battling please remember that your life and that of your loved ones is worth fighting for.
Wishing you all the best for 2014 and the many years ahead.