NAVIGATE Family Education Program (FEP) Manual - Good info for Families

As you may have seen in the news (section of this forum) Results of the study, Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode: Early Treatment Program (RAISE-ETP), which were published online October 20 in the American Journal of Psychiatry showed that patients who received services through a comprehensive, multidisciplinary program called NAVIGATE experienced greater improvement in quality of life and psychopathology and were more involved in work and school than their counterparts who received standard community care.

Here is the family education manual that the researchers developed for this program - I think its the manual for the health care providers - who worked with the families in the program - but its still full of good information for families to read.


More information on the study:

The NAVIGATE Program for First-Episode Psychosis: Rationale, Overview, and Description of Psychosocial Components.

Thank you for posting these!