Need advice quickly - I don't know what to do

Malvok – I blame the media for creating the hysteria associating sz with crime - just watch the news on any given night and just about every time there is a mass shooting or some other happening, many times it ends up the person has sz. Believe me, I hate the stigma as much as you. All of us parents have been in the fight of our lives to protect our children from this and it is beyond distressing and heartbreaking to know our kids are being thought of in such a way. But you know, there is something good that has come out of all the news reports. I feel that people are finally realizing that our mental health system is broken and must be repaired. I can already see the changes in the county I live in Georgia – our courts have recently implemented a mental health court vs the same ole same ole “throw em in jail” routine.

My heart truly goes out to you and anyone else struggling with this crummy disease. We’re all in this together.

And one more thing, playing devil’s advocate to bluesky99’s comment about not teeth brushing, there are dozens upon dozens of remarks on this forum about this very issue, so I get why he made that comment. Not all have this issue, my son does not thank goodness, but I have read many sz’s comments who do.

omg SurprisedJ you have been through so much. You have to be one strong person to deal with all of that for so many years and then finally come out the other end, being med compliant and drug free - congrats. I took no disrespect by anything you said - your story is very captivating. I also agree with you that even if my son did not have sz he could have very well been a druggie. We are still in the “years and tears” phase, ugh.

Yes I understand things escalating out of control in a matter of seconds. I would stand there dazed. I too wondered how my doors stayed on their hinges. A 19 year old body having a temper tantrum because he wasn’t getting his own way. It can be very scary. If he was 5 or 10 how much damage could he do but with his strength that became it’s own issues.

I can’t say for sure exactly what has helped my son to cut down on pot. All of it I guess. He still brings alcohol into the home but I find it and throw it away. I have a copy of the apartment rules tapped to our coffee table.

Brush teeth daily - Shower weekly - Do own laundry (This one is more of a guideline than strict rule)

Clean up own messes

Try not to swear - Zero tolerance swearing at Mom or Frank (My husband)

No slamming doors

Drugs, bongs, hookahs, pipes, alcohol, etc. - zero tolerance in apartment

No rolling cigarettes in living room - do in own bedroom
No chewing tobacco or pipe tobacco in living room - own bedroom

Sleep in own bed

Consequences of swearing excessively or at Mom or Frank and slamming doors is no internet
Consequences of leaving messes or sleeping on couch is no laptop in living room

Drugs, bongs, hookahs, pipes, alcohol, etc. will be thrown away.
Chewing tobacco, pipe & tobacco if in living room will be thrown away.

I had one of my son’s workers go over these with him and ask him if anything was unreasonable. He agreed that they were not unreasonable. He could go long periods without swearing if I wasn’t home and as soon as I walked in the door he started swearing. Unconsciously he was pushing my buttons. If I reacted than it only fueled him therefor allowing him to continue with self destruct meaning get high or drunk because he couldn’t deal with my shit. My shit being to follow the above rules that he agreed were reasonable.

It was hard on him for awhile because he could not see that his own defiance was getting in the way. That’s when I looked up Oppositional Defiance Disorder and adults with ADHD as my son has always had underlying symptoms of ADHD. Still harder because unfortunately he does have SZ and getting high triggers his positive symptoms and negative symptoms in my opinion. What was obvious to me, he could not see. For 12 - 24 hours after getting high he was distracted. Hard to concentrate on things. Not sleeping right. Not eating. Negative attitude because his own feelings were yet again out of control. Anxiety up again because of withdrawal. He wants to drink and smoke pot like any other teenager. He put all of his negativity onto me. I was being unreasonable. Then we would have small delusions pop up where he would tell me that his dad is going to call me to make arrangements for him to move back with him. He would wait for the phone call that wasn’t coming. Or the job that his friend’s dad was going to get him so that he could move out away from my bullshit. I couldn’t argue any of these things. I tried a couple of times. Talked to his dad with him in the room. He just looked confused so I stopped responding to these delusions. I stood my ground. I kept myself calm. I walked away from him when he started being negative. It’s hard to argue with yourself. My husband and I left the home on several occasions. Me in tears at my sisters but my son didn’t know this. I couldn’t let him know that he got to me because the next time he would push harder to manipulate me into giving in. I know all this sounds pretty harsh but he was being controlled by his addiction and it was doing what it needed to survive. My feelings were of no consequence.

In September he had his sixth break in three years. Started with alcohol, then not taking his medications, then a lot of pot. Within about 5 days he decompressed to the point of being dehydrated, his lips were chapped and he hadn’t slept in days. I could barely get water into him. Hysterical laughter and then the voices. I had him admitted. He resented me for this. I figure it goes with the territory. Once he was stable enough and tried to blame me for having him admitted just for not eating, I did my best to explain that one can’t get admitted for just not eating. Did he remember thinking he was a vampire, in a gang and chewing on my fingernails to prove they weren’t made of diamonds. It got a lot worse once he was admitted and it took time for the medications to start working again since he didn’t have any in his system.

I think this last break was a bit of an eye opener for my son. He will sometimes say things now about his schizophrenia and recognizes that pot use caused each of his 6 hospitalizations. Between me standing firm on boundaries and not letting him blame me for his own actions he has started to realize some things. If he doesn’t like it here at home he has resources available to him that will help him be an adult and self supportive. It’s been pointed out to him that no where else can he live for $500 a month where all of his bills and food are taking care of with a build in cook and cleaning lady. He is under my roof and the only privileges he has are the ones I want to give him. Don’t like it… move. Even when he was inpatient and starting swearing at me, I walked away. He was not swearing at the nurses so again capable of controlling himself. I wouldn’t let a stranger rent a room from me and treat me or my home with so much disrespect. Because he is my son and I love him he was still here, by my choice.

I did all of this while still telling him that I loved him. Whether he understood my actions or not they were all because I loved him and believe that he is capable of doing so much better. I admitted him because I love him. I walk away from him because I love him. I tell him: I love you but I am not going to let you talk to me that way. I love you but no I will not buy you this. You spend your money on alcohol and that was your choice, not mine. I’m your mom and I love you but I’m not your maid. Pick up your mess. And I walked away from the negative attitude that was to follow. It was tough for a long time. I would be on the verge of breaking (ready to have him physically removed from the apartment if needed) and out of the blue he would do something like make me a tea. I strongly believe that somewhere in there was a part of him that wanted me to love him no matter what. We just needed to get past all the negative bullshit to reach it. So I stopped playing into it.

Currently he is mostly med compliant and has gained some insight. He says he doesn’t need to be fixed. I agree. His positive symptoms however do need to be controlled enough for him to make a life for himself. He still drinks and even gets a little drunk but if he brings inside the home I throw it out. I don’t get mad just take it and throw it away. He still smokes pot on occasion but doesn’t get stoned out of his head anymore. If I find a pot pipe I throw it away. He is on a good combination of medications that help him deal with his anxiety so that he doesn’t need to self medicate with pot like he used to. Because he has had a chance to see what it is like to be positive symptom free and that there is a life outside of pot, a happy life, then I think this is helping him to have a different outlook.

I know none if this particularly helps you with your son right now. Just don’t give up and know that sometimes tough love can work. You don’t have to sacrifice your own respect to be there for him. As long as my son is not in psychosis or experiencing positive symptoms then my boundaries are in place and I will do so with love. If it all goes south tomorrow then I will know that I did my best from a place of love and that even if only for a short time my son got to know what the possibilities are.

You totally missed my point people with schizophrenia do all the same things as people without. People with schizophrenia are more prone to drug use, end up in jail etc. The is strong strong link to pot smoking and the development of schizophrenia. I am sorry you do not see it.

StarryNight, thanks for your feedback. It is true the police typically do not know how to handle the mentally ill and I know that jail is not where the mentally ill belong but it has gotten to the point where my son’s criminal activity is trumping his mental illness. For a little background, son has forged numerous $100 checks using my husband’s name. Son’s middle name and husband’s first name are the same so he was able to pull that off. He has slashed the tires on my car (once) and my husband’s (twice), well over $1800 in tires, gone through six cell phones in the past 1-1/2 yrs - he hacked into my at&t account and snatched my, my daughters and my husband’s phone upgrades, so our phones are limping along and we will have to pay full price for new ones, probably another $1K. Tried to poison us by putting ivermectin in our coffee maker - he was totally psychotic during this and the tire slashing. Pawned off his beautiful desktop Mac. He one time hit his dad with a big stick and that was one of the times I had to call 911 and they put him in jail for that. He was totally psychotic during this also and I have to say my husband did not handle the situation right either, puffing out his chest and telling son to just go ahead and hit him, and he did. Big mistake. Has stolen large amounts of cash numerous times from his dad’s billfold and mine too. Took my debit card and charged up a bunch of electronics at Walmart, I could go on, but you can see how frustrated we are. The majority of the horrible stuff was done over a year ago when he had several hospital admittances and was totally out of whack with drugs, not med compliant, etc. He is med compliant now, but the drug problem persists.

Unfortunately right now we can’t get him in a hospital unless he is a danger to himself or others, which he really is not, and I have given him the option to go to drug rehab and he won’t, can’t force him. We put him in a dual diagnosis/drug rehab facility about 2-1/2 yrs ago ($10K out of pocket), but the results did not last. But here are the options I gave him earlier today:

  1. Return the ring and commit to becoming drug free (see #3)

  2. If you cannot or will not return the ring, move out.

  3. Agree to go to a drug rehab center and commit to becoming drug free. You are ruining your life and our lives by your continued use of drugs. You need help with this and we can get you the appropriate help, but you have to commit. You can have a much better life being drug free.

  4. If none of the above you are willing to do, we will have #2 done in one of two ways. Either we will file a police report against you for the theft of my ring and the Cobb Police will come pick you up and take you to jail; or we will file a restraining order with Cobb Police restricting you from our property.

So a short while later he quietly went around the house gathering up his stuff, toiletries, etc and drove off. So I assume he is going to stay with someone (don’t know who) he has been spending a few nights with lately. He never responded to my email but I’m pretty sure he read it. And I guess my ring theft may be a minor theft in the eyes of the law, but for me it was MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR! I am now just praying that God will look out after him wherever he is.

Reading these reminds me of my own Partner deep in smoking marijuana. He was smoking it years before I met him, when I found out I pretended I was cool with it. However there was a time he borrowed $400 from me, because he was strapped for money so he could buy it. He did pay it back to me. I have been with him when he has bought it, I have sat with him while he has smoked it and he has smoked it while driving our car, thank God when we were pulled over none of the police found it in our car and at times I have begged him to stop doing it. His excuse is that marijuana helps him to feel “calm”. In reality he was dependant on it, it got to the point he would beg people that I know (who smoke it and no I don’t touch the stuff) to get it for him, he was spending so much money on it and complained that he didn’t have money for us to go on vacations or to buy nice things.
Yet each time he would be on it, psychosis would flare up.

I feel for you lovemyson: I can not imagine the difficult choice you have to put your son in or to give him time to return the ring. Thinking of you.

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You have to do what you need to do. I know its hard, but it can be a lot worse. Just because he suffers from sz does not mean he should be shielded from consequences. Yet, I would make sure he really took the ring, by illiminating any other possibilities. Hugs to you

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I talked my daughter into going to the hospital years ago. We got her in, and she slept most of the time. I called the hospital everyday to find out what was being done, and she had not been seen by a doctor for 4 days. i kept asking them when she would be seen by one. They said the doctor was still out of town. On the 5th day, my daughter had slept so well that she felt lucid enough to walk out. She never was seen by a doctor and i was pissed! They wouldn’t give me answers. then several months later they hit her with a bill for $10,000.00 For NOTHING. It was the same as if she stayed in a hotel for 4 days for $10,000.00. She would never go to the hospital again. Thats for sure.