Private Conservator Experience?

Does anyone have any experience being a 'Private Conservator"
My brother has Multiple Myeloma that has metastasized, he is currently in jail. He is Schizophrenic. he does not recognize either illness. I am told by making me his Private Conservator, motions will not need to be filed with the court to get treatment to keep him comfortable. Does anyone have any experience with being a private conservator? I would like to be able provide the best possible care even if it just palliative but would like to know of any experience good or bad with this type of conservatorship. Thank you for your support.

Hi @Lilsis , I have no experience with Private Conservator. However, sometimes if you just call around to law firms explaining your certain problem, you can find an attorney that will offer a free consultation, or just speak to you on the phone to explain your options. I found help that way when asking about setting up a trust for my daughter. Don’t be afraid to make several calls to different firms.

Thank you Old Lady Blue for always reaching out to help. By court order and my brother’s consent, I am now a conservator
I will keep posted any positive or opportunistic experiences.