Squid Catching Up...Younger Boy w/dx

I started a thread on this subject…and was surprised there wasn’t one already.

I’ll add any other information I gather as we continue this journey. (Especially costs, length and scope of exam, methods…etc.)

Wish I knew more, but he’s at a good place right now to do this.

FB has a lot of information from other parents who have done this. (I don’t feel right putting anyone’s responses up here that was not agreed to prior, as supposedly the fb group is “closed”.)

BUT, the groups can be found and joined easily. These are the two I have joined, and have threads along the subject line of Neuro Psych Evals. On Face Book:

Families Living With Schizophrenia
Parents of Kids with Schizophrenia

The second group is more active.
BOTH have a lot of information, but something more: parents who are searching for information. As a result, many times they are sent back to scz.com!

I notice far more “real time” issues are disclosed on fb due to it’s instant availability.