This is a vent post

This is a vent just feeling sooooo frustrated with this disease today my dad is really sick and not getting better he called last night very worried about his health but wanted to wait to be taken to the hospital until this am . we left the conversation at he would call an ambulance if needed.
I’m across the country my dad stays with a friend because he can no longer live with my sibling with sz .
My Dad had planned on having my sibling take him to the hospital this am , my sibling is at a semi functioning level at this time can drive cook for himself basically not active psychosis .
But communication is still hard and time consuming like this morning sibling calls me asking if I would want to know where my dad is ?and talking about his own past hospitalizations ughhhh I want to scream just speak clearly and answer if your taking Dad to the hospital or not ?
I know this is stressful for him me and everyone involved , but having a sick parent and miscommunication is hard today !
Thanks for listening


I surely understand the difficulty of faulty communication. I had two upsets tonight with my daughter’s communication and had to bite my own tongue so I finally stopped responding and changed the subject to get her smiling again.

I am going to put Uber on my daughter’s phone and teach her how to use it so she isn’t so reliant on me for transportation. The billing system can be set up so I pay for the rides and can see where she is going. Perhaps you could do that for your Dad?


Uber is a good answer, I have even used mine to order a ride for my son. I was surprised that it worked, it took two tries and an explanation to the driver that it wasn’t me.

Hopefully Uber is available in megmeg’s dad’s area.

I’m sorry @megmeg. Vents are always welcome. How is your dad doing?


Dad made it to the hospital sibling took him the next day like he wanted, he stayed over night and is still there.
I don’t know much else yet but I was able to call his room today and speak with him.
He didn’t have much information either because the doctor had not seen him yet.
I’m thankful that my sibling is in a position to do this at this point in time I’m always nervous at the toll that it may take on his own well-being dealing with sick parents because this can be a bad trigger for him as well.
And it’s just hard to not have that clear communication I feel like a lot of times I do a lot of listening to understand what he is saying and sometimes I just do not have the time.

I’m glad everything worked out for the best. It seems that your sibling rose to the occasion, or it was just a lucky chance that he was not in psychosis when this emergency occurred. A loved one’s crisis can trigger bad things but perhaps sometimes it can provide a reality jolt. My sense is that SZ sufferers, at least those not in active psychosis, still have a healthy survival instinct. Based on conversations with my friend, who was aware that his own welfare was dependent on a failing parent, the latter was like an extension of himself.


Hopefully your dad will be okay, something must have warranted the hospitalization, it’s not easy to qualify for admission.

Glad your brother came through for you.

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