Tips and Tricks for Getting the Right Diagnosis

Just when I thought we were safe, we had an ER trip. The reason? Severe dehydration. Apparently the meds cause her to become dehydrated really easily. Anyone else experience this? We also are going to have to closely monitor her salt intake. Fortunately all of her labs were normal and once they gave her nearly a bag of fluids her pain went away and she ate a snack and fell asleep. It’s 1 am and we are waiting to be released. What a crazy long day! Just goes to show that things can change in an instant.


I’m glad she is better. Thank goodness she let you know and you got her in. Hope today is a good one.

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Yes. I went through all that with my son. He is now 21, paranoid schizophenia. I am lucky I have great psychiatrist who listens to me. Meds are a crap shoot. My son’s have failed him 3 times and I get beaten to a pulp when that happens. He is also ODD and ADD. Find the joy in it somewhere, I learn mindfulness from him…or it is too hard to cope, find the joy darling!