Sorry if my posts seem very repetitive, just really so,stressed at times, son 25 on a two weekly zuclopenthixol depot, not med compliant though. He was Changed to this after 10 months on paliperidone depot.
The walking around has reached a point where now 9am he has been out of bed an hour and walked around room constantly. When hubby gets up earlier son will,then come in my room, I get no break. Mentioned to nurse who thinks it’s s habit rather than akathasia, now am not so sure.
He won’t do anything from his own initiative, I told him we would havevto get him something to help this but he says no he’s not going to take anything and he is fine.
Surely it’s not though, every now and then while walking, he will walk close to a perimeter and kick out at something whether the sofa, table, or outside it’s our garden fence, anyone help. He reacts when we mention meds as he’s not med compliant. It’s so stressful that I wonder is this the meds causing this and what would he be like without them? I know I’m being repetitive on here.
Oh and son is fine he just says I’m fine with walking about.
As he is on a cto the meds are limited to what he can have as obviously it’s got to be depot. He won’t take clozapine as it requires blood checks, any help is much appreciated , thanks and sorry for same posts I seem to always post.