We have just about everything in common here

I love this group of people who share on here. We have all very similar experiences that often we experience the challenges alone. We are a group of people with amazing strength and love and at times keeping our loved ones heads above water. We get so very very tired and sad, we usually neglect ourselves.
It is important for us to do any little thing for ourselves to keep our own cups full.
Can I say that there is light at the end of the tunnel and for a very long time I couldn’t see it but I had the determination to see it.
Love to you all and thank you that we are all rowing the same boats. We are not alone xoxo


You made me smile, Jaxy. Yes, we are all a great group of caring people. Thank you for your post, I would be lost without this group, I’ve been helped so much by so many here for so long.


Yes, thanks. Its been a rough new start already to the new year. Needed to hear some positive.


Thank you Jaxy for the reminder! Sometimes I need to hear somebody else say it ~ Don’t forget to take care of ME!


I hope things settle soon
Sending hugs :hugs:

Thanks. Me too! Sometimes it is 1 minute at at time. Deep breaths.

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It is so unfortunate for all the pain and uncertainty we must live with. But the love, hope and unity is irreplaceable that we feel with our loved ones and with those we are fortunate to “meet” here on this forum.
The comfort and gratitude I have, is tremendous and at times overwhelming to have found this so many years into our journey.
I am at times lost, and wanting so much more for me and my son, but “today” has to be enough. As long as we have today, I am grateful.