Cautionary tale about discontinuing meds too early

The man, a nuclear physicist, had bipolar disorder with psychotic features. At age 58 he robbed a bank and then committed a carjacking (apparently having an episode), and was quickly arrested. While in jail a treating psychologist wrote:

it is imperative he be maintained on this [medication] regimen to prevent the likelihood of psychological decompensation.

However, subsequently, a psychiatrist discontinued treatment based on the person apparently convincing him he was okay and no longer needed the meds:

Inouye [the psychiatrist] wrote that Lapp’s records “were not available for review,” and Inouye testified at the hearing that Lapp “was simply denying everything” regarding his mental health issues.

So, relying solely on his conversations with Lapp, Inouye discontinued the medications Lapp had been using in March 2021 and Lapp no longer received mental health treatment, the lawsuit alleges

Shortly thereafter, at 62, he committed suicide in jail.

Daughter of nuclear physicist who died by suicide in Va. jail sues government

Such a tragic story. I hate to say it but I have been witness to medical malpractice more than once in psychiatry. First with my mom and then again with my son.
I know some people roll their eyes at this but I contend that I am not being unfair- these were serious incidents that severely compromised the health of my loved ones. Who is overseeing psychiatric medicine?
Filing a complaint requires the ILL PERSON to sign over disclosure of all records.
My mom and my son would not do this.
I should say that our family has also been greatly helped by wise and ethical psychiatrists.

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My son was in jail for 30 days and put on medication for the first time in like 5 years. He was doing well on the medication after being on it for 3 weeks. He was released from jail on March 1. He was let out with no medication. His appointment with the county mental health department is not until March 15. So here we are with him not on anything for 2 weeks . Of course now he doesn’t want to take anything. His probation officer can’t believe they just let him out with no meds either. The system is broken. What if he was dangerous?

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@Lmr, or a danger to himself!

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