Posting a recruitment announcement for a national research project looking for family member perspectives on the period following discharge from specialized early psychosis service in the US. (Examples include OnTrackNY, EASA, Navigate.) Phone interviews, $75 participant incentive.
Have you or a family member been discharged from an early psychosis program? Are you interested in sharing your experiences following discharge with researchers?
WHO: Any former early intervention in psychosis/coordinated specialty care (EIP/CSC) client who has been discharged at least 4 months prior to a scheduled interview or family members of a discharged client is eligible. Participants must also be 18 or older.
WHY: To date, very little is known about client and family experiences following discharge from specialized first episode psychosis/early intervention programs or how to best support them. This study aims to better understand what happens after discharge from EIP/CSC, including in the areas of school or work involvement and access to/use of other mental health services.
WHAT: If interested, you would be asked to participate in an approximately 1.5 hour long oral interview by phone.
COMPENSATION: Participants will receive $75 for their time, sent in the form of a Visa or Mastercard gift card following your interview.
HOW: Contact the primary investigator, Dr. Nev Jones, by email at or by phone at 813-415-5532. The study’s protocol number is #00035193.