Research Survey on Family Member Experiences with Early Psychosis Care

We am recruiting family members to complete an online survey about your experiences with receiving care for early psychosis for your loved one. We want to know about barriers you encountered, information you received or didn’t receive, your involvement in care, and things you want to be improved. The information and experiences you provide on the survey will help us improve family support services for early psychosis programs.

Your experiences matter to us and want to know more about them, so please consider the following.

Who is eligible to participate? Any family member, who is 18 years or older, of an individual who has experienced or currently experiencing early psychosis or considered clinical high risk and sought treatment from early intervention or coordinated specialty care program (such as NAVIGATE, OnTrack, EASA).

How long will the survey take? The survey should take no more than 25 minutes of your time.

Compensation. For completing the survey, you will get a $25 e-gift card.

Contact Information. If you are interested or know someone who may be interested in completing the survey please contact the Primary Investigator, Dr. Oladunni Oluwoye, at to be provided the link to the survey.

Please let me know if you want to know more information about the study.

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Here in the uk a survey is not necessary as there is absolutely no care for family members

In London there is a facility named Equip .

Early onset? Pretty sure most people who witness it don’t notice or they just dismiss it until it’s too late and if they do question it the behaviors are still rationalized or justified because nobody’s first thought is ‘that must be SZ’.
Though I witnessed the onset of catatonic and that was pretty much a no-brainer…

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Thank you to those who have taken the time to completed the survey. If anyone is still interested in completing the survey please let me know.

Hi Wisdom, the survey is open for family members who have a loved one who is experiencing their first episode of psychosis in the US, so we can get a better understanding their experiences with trying to receive care.