Hi Rarity,
I hope you find a way to get your daughter the medications she needs to be healthy. Going “cold turkey” has negative effects on most people.
Just letting you know that the vast majority of people who have schizophrenia never become violent.
Try to find a NAMI support group in your area: NAMI.org. The family support group will have some ideas for your self care.
Along with the above forum members’ good advice, for your daughter, maybe try to reconnect with a social worker from the hospital in order to learn about and connect to the resources she requires for medical treatment. Her doctor might be able to refer to a social worker or case manager once you let him or her know the situation.
Our state’s health and welfare department provides medication for people who cannot afford it and do not have insurance; I don’t know whether CA has a similar program.
All best wishes to you and your family.