Daughter will not take meds

So My daughter has decided to go off of the meds, and she has. Still refuses that she has schizophrenia. So to tell the truth she has tried about 8 different medication the last was 3 month shot. And although the some meds made her an angry uncontrollable parson the others seemed to just give her a medical lobotomy. Sure she was easier to deal with but the voices were always there and the delusions. So all the meds really did was make her slow mentally and feel sick physically.
Well she is fairly easy to get along with she talks to herself a lot more. She really works hard on keeping herself and around her clean. And you can see how hard things are for her but she is trying her best. I think I may be able to talk to her about natural remedies as long as I say its for her to be able to think clearer or be able to focus. I am very much afraid though of setting off a bad episode from doing this though does anyone have any recomendations, for natural remedies or pros and cons they have ran into doing this.

try n-acetyl cysteine and sarcosine from branivitaminz . They are both amino acids so regulated as foodstuffs.

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thank you. for your reply.

My son went off his antipsychotic medications twice. It has been a total disaster. He stopped them last year and his life is spiraling out of control.he’s been in and out of the hospital and jail. He’s behavior is out of control at times and his memory is gone. He lost his housing that he had for 20 years. He is delusional and paranoid. It’s much harder of get them back on once they’ve been off and have less reasoning abilities. Have her talk to her psychiatrist and a therapist to reason this out.


OP she’s already been on 8 different medications without benefit and some with severe side effects. Roughly 25% of schizophrenics are treatment-resistant. It’s not their fault, we just haven’t invented meds that work for them yet.

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Of course it is not the patient’s fault for being resistant to treatments. Just note that most of the medications take time to take effect and can take a month or 6 weeks to work.


She was on Respirdone but it caused her to pee herself she would just be walking along and start peeing not know she was even doing it till she felt the liquid, she was also very out of it. Haldol caused her to be violent and angry. Others either did nothing or exacerbated the SZ made it to real, her word. Invega she was on last probably worked the best on her but it didn’t do anything for the SZ just made her easier to get along with. The side effects of that were in her words, not being able to feel, being mentally slow and phisical pain. So she doesn’t want to try anymore drugs.
And were going to see where that take us CBT I think would be great for her but she does not recognize she has SZ so things. She does have a person come in once a week and talks to her and takes her out shopping and stuff like that. She dreads it but afterwards she always says how much fun she has and always enjoys spending time with that person.
She has had this for 3 years now diagnosed when she turned 30, First episode, doctors have been involved since then. She spent 2 years in a facility she still has anger issues from that. I think the SZ did some damage she kind of acts like a child but maybe so not understanding she has SZ and going to the facility she thinks she was locked up for two years for no reason. She did nothing wrong to be there.
Originally it was supposed to be there 5 months but their excuse was covid, that they couldn’t get her on a program for aftercare. But when they were able to get more and more funding they would not let her go. It was court ordered. With them talking to the court. The waited all that time, no schooling, no classes on CBT only going to the movies and bowling. She could have been learning so much to help herself and thats what the place was supposed to be. Sorry just started ranting.

My 30 year old son hears voices. They are mean. Calling him names. He gets to riled up with them. Cussing and yelling out loud. Voices. My son doesn’t know what it means to clean… Now he’ll take showers no problem but his room is disgusting. Sure I go in a clean it but in no time it’s horrible. I try not to think about it. We’ve been going through this for 9 years now. He is medicine compliant thankfully. He trusts us to take care of his appointments and money. There’s no way he would be able to. We never went the way of natural remedies. He also takes a 3 month shot. Seems to work good.

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There’s a company called GeneSight that does DNA testing so that you can determine which drugs work best with the patient. My husband is BPD and we decided to go that route a few years ago. It is relatively inexpensive or free (if you are at poverty level), they do take insurance as well. Unfortunately we do not have insurance and paid around $1500 for the testing-BUT I will tell you that this is nothing short of a miracle and I think everyone should know about it. They gave his psychotherapist a list of meds that would work well for him and we only had to go through two drugs before we found the right one. Knowing what I know now I would have paid double. It’s a Godsend and it really should be given to anyone who has to take meds.


100% agree! Wish we’d found it sooner!

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