Hi Im New and Need Support

I am reading it right now!! Getting mad about the information, but glad to have the information.

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Are you aware of positive and negative symptoms? Positive symptoms are things that are added like hallucinations (not positive in the sense of good) Negative symptoms are aspects of a person that are taken away like their motivation, interest in previous enjoyments, activities, hobbies, etc. They may not talk as much (poverty of speech) lack of emotion (flat affect) These things are caused by the illness itself. Some of the sluggishness is caused by certain meds but it’s mostly the illness. Sadly. Used to blame everything on meds and yes there were horrible side effects. The newer antipsychotics though aren’t as bad, depends. But unfortunately, the negative symptoms are a big problem for some and there isn’t really anything medication wise that helps. Just google negative symptoms of schizophrenia. My son who is 30 has all of them. It’s terrible. But doesn’t mean your son will be like this. I hope everything goes smoothly while you look for help.


Clozapine saved my grandson. Been 3 years and other than still living with me he is leading a pretty mormal life. He says voices are 95 percent gone. He has been on 450mg but he is now working with his pdoc to landwer the dose. Lige saving med for him