How to deal with constant worry

Things are going good with my son, for the most part. Still struggle with his appearance, getting him to brush his teeth and wash his clothes but he is holding a job and seems very close to how he was before SZ, even socializing with old friends again. In spite of this, I still worry constantly. At times even to the point I feel sick. Whenever I get a call or text from him I get anxious but it almost always turns out to be nothing. I know there has to be some strategies to cope with this. I probably need therapy but in the meantime does anyone have any tips? I don’t want to feel this way for the rest of my life.


Wonderful your son is doing well, you must feel proud, you just need to tell yourself, you can’t control, and live in the moment, just enjoy the moment, and don’t allow yourself to worry, be aware of your thoughts and don’t allow it❤️


I went on an antidepressant for about a year.
It took the edge off my anxiety. I started to exercise and see friends again. After a year, I was able to drop the Zoloft.

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@Cat_Nip My wife has PTSD over the years in turmoil and violence. Any loud noise in our home or incoming phone call from our son or from me sends her into panic. She’s only now aware of the reality of ptsd. Not yet addressing it but acknowledging that we’ve been through the sh** and are now developing new coping skills is a first step.

Probably some great resources on managing ptsd but just know you’re not alone!!!

Although things are better, it is never difficult to remember the horror and fear from prior episodes - and the thin veil separating us from another potential season of pain.

Keep the faith. Give yourself some grace to feel this way. I’m reading a book, “It’s Ok That You’re Not Ok” by Megan Devine.

I try to remember to love myself even when I feel weak and scared for my son. It’s ok…


Zoloft was horrible for me. When I got up in the morning all I wanted to do was lay down. Glad it worked for you!

I have the same as your wife. My doc told me likely ptsd. Things are calm these days more or less - thanks to my son being medicated.


I wish I had the answer to this. I have the constant worry as well. At the moment it is a bit less however. I try to take a supplement (rescue remedy) exercise and write out my thoughts - which seems to help a bit.


Even though my daughter is doing well, the worry is still there. She tells me her symptoms - which is good - but I feel triggered. When she talks about the past, which is rare, I feel triggered. There are still very random and rare times that she is physically threatening toward me. It’s hard to let go of the vigilance. I guess I need to consider PTSD.

One thing that has helped is pursuing my own interests, getting out more, and joining a women’s collaborative where I am making new friends. I also have a therapist.

It’s really hard to live in the moment and be grateful things are going well. I try to. I wish you well. We need healing too.


I would try something natural like Ashwagandha , it really helps for anxiety and stress . It works for me !

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Find some distraction for yourself, like joining a group or doing a hobby; connect with freinds for coffee, etc. Think every day or week: What I am going to do this week to take care of myself.Put specific times when you can talk on the phone when he is out, Pick your fights. If your son has no good hygiene may a good deodorant is enough. It took my son a good time before he took control of his hygiene. Your son also has to feel that you have confidence on him, that gives him self-confidence. Wishing u the best


I remember getting panic attacks when my daughter has an episode. When she is hospitalised, the anxiety abates and depression sets in. Exercise helps. I am becoming more of an introvert, so I don’t go out socialise much. Having friends who post jokes every now and then in our social media group helps.
Thinking aloud, there must be something both you and your son are doing and have learnt that got to where you are today. Just itemise them and put them in your toolset. If something goes wrong, you will know how to deal with it and add one more into your toolset. Take them as a challenge and I am think you will do very well. Your journey ahead will only get better.


Exercise really helps me. At least 30 minutes a day.

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I was in the same situation. I was very nervous. So while taking medications to control my stress, I read the book “When panic attacks” and it was a great help.

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