Involuntary Hospitalization at times of No harm/threats of self and others?

Does anyone have examples from their own family where they made a decision for Involuntary Hospitalization in times of No harm/threats done by their afflicted loved ones on themselves or others?

My mother had a chance to do this for my sister and I asked her not to do so because I was afraid it’s tramatic experience and it would make things worse. That was two years ago and now my sister got worse anyways and isolates and doesn’t speak a word and it’s heartbreaking to witness. What if my mom was right? :broken_heart:

I have done it on several occasions for my son. I have even called the police to make him comply. I used to get upset and cry about doing it, but it’s honestly the best thing when they won’t take their meds and are non-compliant. He now has been on Invega Trinza since 2015, it’s a 4x a year injection and he is doing so much better. So yes, if you feel she needs to be involuntarily hospitalized by all means do it.


@valegregg58 Did they handcuf your son? what was your son’s reaction? Did your son ever ask you after he was medicated about the incident and why it happened?

I think it will vary significantly based on the experience and knowledge of the persons responding to the call. In some cases the individual may be handcuffed, in other cases allowed to come without this.

Sometimes the individual can agree to go to the hospital with a family member with an officer following in support.

@Vallpen what kind of insight is expected? Is it worth it?

I can’t predict either of those things. It took a few years and repeated hospital stays, and trials on several different medications until my son reached a level of stability. His insight is still very limited.

@Vallpen that’s my main concern, most of what’s been shared about outcomes of involuntary hospitalization are not huge differences and life changing that I can see putting my sister through trauma, it was traumatic for me when I visited the mental hospital just to make an inquiry then how would it be for her? I’m sure she will resist and they will use force and she’d hate her family more than she already does or God forbid she does something drastic as a reaction… to receive what at the end? I’m so confused

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I’m pretty sure I did that several times in the early years. It was traumatic for my son and he tried to break out every time.
These days, they would not admit him if he wasn’t a danger. I have stopped trying to admit him—just letting this play out. He has his own house. 42 years old. Don’t know if this helped…I think your instincts are right for now.

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It was life changing for my son. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done. He behaves close to normal now and works a full time job. He is no longer is paranoid and thinking drones are chasing him. It was traumatic yes but he was so far out in delusion land it didn’t matter. He was handcuffed yes. I just covered my ears to I couldn’t hear him say OUCH OUCH really loud. I would do it over and will do it over if I have to do it again. He is currently on a monthly shot that he has to take until next Fall.

It was hard and stressful and we had to deal with court to get the court ordered meds. I had to fight for him the whole way. I was at the hospital daily if not twice a day. We managed to keep him out of going to a State Hospital where they can get lost in the system. But I’ve also heard sometimes they at least get the help they need in the larger hospitals. I had to get a medical emergency hold and the police came and broke in at off he went to the hospital.


We did it and it was the best action we ever took…we also had our daughter arrested before the hospitalization. Both actions were key to arriving at the place we are today.


What will happen after next fall if he didn’t make any threats nor physically harm himself or others? If he just stopped taking medicine and started to isolate then call for involuntary hospitalization?

@NeverTooLate if you don’t mind me asking, what made you take the decision?

I’m visiting not one but two siblings who isolate -as in don’t leave the house for years (and one doesn’t talk anymore), they eat and take care of self hygiene, watch tv, cook, but other than that I’m just too sad that there’s a full joyful life to be lived and they’re missing out? What makes a family member take such decision if there’s no guarantee that they stay medicated and if the trauma of being forcibly hospitalized will add to past life traumas, then why would they forgive family and if gain ability to go out, would just run away to the unknown?

I understand how frustrating and upsetting the thought of involuntary hospitalization is for you. Over the years my son was hospitalized in a multitude of ways for a multitude of reasons. In one case he was handcuffed but the officers were very aware if his situation and they assured me that it was to keep him safe. I understood, if his hands are under control there was a much less chance of any accidental injuries happening during the ride to the hospital.

In many cases he was very angry at me and spewed hate filled remarks but when I look back retrospectively, each time he was very deluded and ill and not properly medicated. Once he received the proper care and had a chance to stabilize on his medication, he actually did not fully recall the hateful things he said and he was receptive to my hugs once again.

I could not have touched him much less hug him when he was really sick. Hospitals are traumatic for anyone under any condition…physical or mental. They are very necessary through out many cases. Preventing hospitalization is not always the best form of kindness. Even though your heart is in the right place, often times “tough love” is the best approach and hardest to follow through on.

Ignore the hateful comments and the initial anger as well as you can because it is not permanent. I see it as an unfortunate byproduct of the illness. Once treated properly with an effective medication, your sister is much less likely to do anything drastic as a response, she may even begin to feel relief from her usual state of mind. My heart goes out to you, it is obvious you love her dearly.


I do, thank you @Catherine the opinions and circumstances vary but it’s priceless to feeling heard, thank you :heart_decoration:

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I don’t know what I will do. His doctor said that when people are well they can write contracts with me for example that if he becomes not well he will let me help him make the decision to go to the hospital or back on meds. If he gets all wacky again I may have to get guardianship or whatever it takes to enforce meds. I’m not going to let him live like that again (as he lives with me). And now I know which meds works for him.

I think it may be time for someone to get your sister to the hospital or doctor or get whatever you need to get in your state to enforce meds. Yes, it will be hard and stressful. But at least for me there came a time when we were like - enough is enough. I made sure his father was in agreement with me when I had him taken by force to the hospital. If you don’t know my story - what happened was he barricaded me out of my home and was having a grand time in there by himself - playing playstation, smoking pot and eating what he could find.

Today, he’s working, talking and driving (safely) taking care of his wash and himself. He’s even got a few gifts for me under the tree. I wish you the best of luck with your sister (thankfully you are still there for her) and I do know what you are going through. It took years for us to figure out what was going on and years to get him on medication. Don’t give up!


I have done involuntarily treatment for my son at least 3 times since 2015. I also get the guardianship.
He is now in a Facility in CA and taking Monthly Invega-sustena 234mg injection. He is not happy about being in the facility but I feel he is improving. if I did not do anything,;God knows what would happen to him while he was homeless on streets. I had been into high anxiety period when he was missing in 2016 and 2017. Looking back in the last 3 years, I am grateful that he is safe and taking meds… it may take a while for him to accept his illness and be compliant on his own. but now he is now in a much better than last year.
involuntarily treatment is the only way for someone who is non-complaint on meds and can be a danger to himself or herself.

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it’s a 4x a year injection and he is doing so much.
good that your son is stable. how long was he on monthly injection because switching him to Invega Trinza? what dose of invega- Trinza is he taking?

is he taking any other medicine besides the injection: like mood stabilizer or anti-anxiety?
how often does he take blood test?
Sorry about asking you all these questions. My son is now on a Monthly Invega injection and hoping he will stay on it and may be he will end up taking Invega-Trinza.

I agree totally, Catherine.

I understand you, @Love_Hope, it is difficult to face the idea of forcing treatment on a loved one. If she is not a danger, you can probably go to a court and file an ex-parte motion for evaluation and treatment because she cannot care for herself (is gravely disabled by the illness). Not leaving her apartment on her own for years, not communicating, not able to shop for food for herself, etc. are good enough reasons. You must fully explain her inabilities, don’t sugar coat. She can’t care for herself even while being cared for by her family. What would happen to her if they stopped caring for her, or providing her living space?

My daughter NEVER held resentment for being force hospitalized, it has happened 5 times now. She even viewed it as a sort of vacation from the abuse in my home… go figure. However, she has not yet voluntarily continued to take meds, even if they helped her, and returned to psychosis each time. I will see what happens this time.

However, I must warn you that getting your sister hospitalized the FIRST time is only the START of a LONG road of trying to keep her ON meds. One hospitalization probably will not result in her being med compliant for life, by statistic, hospitalization may need to be done over and over to find the right meds and to help her stay on them.

I am sorry to say that I don’t think you can do this from far away. Only if you lived nearby. And it seems her other siblings are not capable of continuing the struggle for her (to keep her on meds) once you leave again.


Yes unfortunately that is correct …

Sigh, hugs to you. I wish this unfortunate illness had better outcomes for everyone. It is such a struggle.