Meds all wrong , are there any right ones

Its no good this med, zuclopenthixol, he’s been on this for 4 months, he has it every 2 weeks, the dose was reduced from 200mg to 150 about 6 weeks ago.
He has been given procyclidne for side effects, i.e. constant walking about, it does absolutely nothing, zilch, nothing,
He gets up about 1-2pm he starts walking as soon as he gets up out of bed. He does not see the effect it has on us, we amenity allowed to have or express frustration or opinions , he thinks its fine and doesnt affect us.

He has no motivation, nothing, wont even go out a dog walk, wears the same hoody every day.
We have a review on 4 dec but can’t wait till then. He takes absolutely no responsibility, He has started to do the blame thing again, i e we let them into our house, the drs, he means.

Hubby works mostly at home, son is home 24/7 doing nothing except walking about.
Hubby gets stressed, shouts, swears , he makes me worse.
Really live each day at a time, i live it in sections of a day, get to 4-5pm and then feels better as its nearing evening, which means nearing bed time.
So sick it all at times. Sorry for the rant,


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He’s non compliant, it takes up all our energy to get him to comply.
He’s diagnosed delusional disorder.

See what you say but it’s hard when son blames hubby , hubby trying to work from home to give don a good life. Son says awful stuff to hubby. Not always easy to “blow it off” as you say.

It’s tough being a carer too. It affects everyone.


I am sorry, my husband struggles to just blow it off also. He has done better as he slowly seems to understand that yelling at Jeb only makes the whole situation much, much worse. Justifies the psychosis and the delusions plus scares Jeb.

Our lives were pretty much hell when Jeb lived inside the house with us. Any chance for alternate housing arrangement at all?


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Sorry you went through this too, pretty much same here at times ie hell.

He could get help towards supported accommodation and get ss benefits but he doesn’t want to live alone, he states that at times.
We had to make him leave 2 yrs ago as he was do bad and wouldn’t get help.
It would be so difficult to do this again while he wants to be here.

What would you do for respite when Jeb lived at home? What helped you?

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How dare you . You know nothing about us and am not interested in your video.

Please stop choosing certain phrases of my post and quoting them, thanks.


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Please you are no help , please leave this post alone and any posts of mine.

You are no help or support whatsoever.
You aren’t a very understand or compassionate person. There’s different circumstances and you can’t say everyone is the same level.


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Troll and most least helpful person I’ve came across on here. No two people are the exact same with psychosis I know that.

If I “have a lot to learn” you aren’t exactly helping me understand then are you.


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Did you even read his diagnosis???

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SZ is a very debilitating disease. There are many different ways to live a life. None are “wrong” only as right or wrong as they affect what he desires and what your family needs to stay healthy. My son - at his best, has very little motivation and does very little each day. I make him a list of some household chores and some days he does pretty good, others he doesn’t complete the list. I know he is doing his best so I cheerfully accept what he can do and cheerfully leave another list when I need help with things. If your son is pacing (and HE is uncomfortable) it might be a side effect from the meds called akathasia. This can be quite difficult for him. If this is a side effect from the meds he might consider switching. This disease quite often renders the individual somewhat unaware of their own appearance - they just don’t seem to have the hygiene or the self awareness of a conventional person. I believe this is normal. You can leave soap, towel, shampoo, clean clothes by their bed and take the dirty ones and throw into the laundry. Giving big, obvious cues and making the process easy in terms of energy or executive function helps a lot. Read, read, read and educate those around you. Family counseling just didn’t seem to get off the ground for us, but I educated myself and educated my family. We have found (5 in a small house) a way to work with and respect each other’s needs and space without “blow ups” No one wants to live in a house with blow ups. Self acceptance, no guilt, constantly thinking of the other and viewing our sons with love helps. Taking small time outs when you need them is necessary. I go running sometimes and I tell my son I need that - but I take my cell phone and I am available if needed. Education is key - these are not character traits or weaknesses or choices. Your son has a serious illness but life can be good. My son is on fluphenazine - a first gen and olanzapine or something - a second gen. The polypharmacy and the dose scares me, but it is working and hopefully in a year or so we can look into lowering the doses. I also have a piano teacher come to the home 2 times a month. My son looks forward to this. He never practices, but it has been a meaningful relationship to him. It’s $40 a month - if he gets disability maybe he can pay for something like this. TRY ANYTHING! Why not?


Thanks for such an interesting post. Some very good points and advice. Actually gave me hope this :grinning:


Too often we don’t see or know others going through this (even though at 1% of the population this is a more common disease than many others that get mainstream attention) We are in the dark and must help each other. I let a lot go - his hair may be quite dirty and nails long and dirty and normally I would get very upset about this - What will the piano teacher think? Hahaha. Now that seems funny. He is a great person - a true gift - a gentle and caring soul. Many should be so lovable. The world needs to accept him and our family as we are. Believe me, long stretches go by and I forget to “nudge” him, sometimes we lose patience. We are far from perfect, but are learning and striving and making it work. Right now he is cold - I keep the heat low - so he is showering frequently to get warm - lol. I guess it depends on the motivator! Save on the gas bill, pay more on the water bill!


I agree w GSSP. He’s not trolling, just being honest. You and/or your husband exacerbate the situation by overreacting to what your son says or does.