*I have three sons, but two sons with Schizophrenia…
One son is 44 years old,and he stays on his medication… He does fairly well,and lives with a wonderful caregiver. We have a good relationship with him,and he was diagnosed in his late 30’s…
My youngest son , diagnose at 22 years old, is now 38 years old… We did everything to try helping him to him living with us, living with his brother, group homes, to buying him a trailer to live in, and renting motels for him…
He is very violent, and yes, still does drugs…
No living arrangement worked with him, so when my husband retired we moved,and he contacts me by my phone for his disability money…which isn’t very often anymore…
My husband has never been diagnosed with mental illness,but he pretty much stays depressed…
The disease has pretty much destroyed our family,and my faith in God, is my hope…
Sorry for a depressing post,but that’s been our experience , since my sons were young teens…
No doubt , in my mind, marijuana triggered their disease which we never allowed or did drugs in our home, so I sincerely hate drugs…and this disease…
Schizophrenia runs in both sides of our family which neither one of us knew or I wouldn’t had children…
Society still doesn’t accept the disease,and we don’t share it with anyone since we moved…
People just does not understand…