My schizophrenic brother killed my father

Of what little I know, anxiety is a symptom of the disease especially paired with delusions of various kinds. The side effects of most anti-anxiety meds actually worsens the symptoms even if there is a temporary placebo effect when the meds are first prescribed.

He almost always feels better if he has anxiety, getting some rest or doing a relaxation exercise that doesn’t require medication is what we usually recommend for him. (Although he insists at that point that he doesn’t need his meds when he can lessen his anxiety with exercises, why can’t he handle his delusions without it too?) This doesn’t fly and in as much as we can make him realize something, he knows most of his things that he likes, like having people visit are contingent on him being able to take care of himself.


Thank you so much for being honest and replying. I hope you all are holding up well. We all will keep up the fight and prayers for you and your family.


Thanks so much for mentioning the Treatment Advocacy Center. I haven’t read all the information, but it looks promising. We’ve had so many problems getting help for my brother.


I am sorry you for your loss
I wonder what you would think of me
I am a system impacted and diagnosed with schizophrenia and ptsd etc
I am done with a lengthy prison sentence for killing my adoptive parent
I now hold a job and have done some college and want to get a degree and start a family and I take vistiril and Abilify currently
It reminds me I have the book A Beautiful Mind
The Professor and the Madman and the other biography of the mentally ill virtuoso signed too
I might have some neurodivergent/ diverse problem due to my birth mom drinking? So I will be blood tested and brain scanned
I also attend Mass weekly

I appreciate your openness in sharing your story. In my brother’s case my father was the one who lived with him and who was there so his delusions fixated on him being the main source of the problem simply because he was present. Would you say something similar occurred with you? I’m assuming while you were in prison they made you take those medications? I’m guessing in time you adjusted well to them? Did you notice a difference in yourself after a period of time? I’m also very interested in learning more about how the brain scan works and what information you find out from that. These are just a few questions I probably won’t get to ask my own brother so I’m curious to hear from someone who has lived similarly.


There was some fixation in my case and also from abuse that occurred with the adoption. It was very difficult to find medication that finally I stuck with and medication changes and really titrated doses I dislike and yes I was made to take it and at one point court ordered in prison which was rough. I went off medication once while in the free world now but have been advised against getting off my meds and becoming distorted so I have resumed after one of my mentors was direct with me about taking it and I see no other alternative still now. I think I will continue to do so because my brother after me has fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and takes meds and is very innocent minded but has not turned violent really and has no criminal record yet was raised separate from me. I am eager to learn as well what an impartial brain scans and blood tests will reveal and I wish that were more widespread and behavior is better on the meds and I think I am less on the edge with them.