My son started out diagnosed as bipolar 4 years ago, but recently his “20-minutes-a-session psychiatrist” diagnosed him with sz, and prescribed the very same 400-600mg of Seroquil at night.
My son largely seems to deny his diagnosis, and then only takes 300mg. He was on lamictal and lexapro but his last hospital doctor stopped those 2 meds (bad combination for the heart).
We started adding in Charlotte’s Web Hemp Oil because studies show the cannabidiol (CBD) reduces psychosis in sz. It works really well, but he started smoking THC-street pot and proceeded to get more angry.
I think he’s stopped the pot now, eats decently and he goes to the gym. But 50% of the time he talks about stuff that’s more strange/unreal/unattainable than ever before. He seems really stressed about the family money problems, and stressed about his inability to get his mind together so he can get a job. Will he ever have fewer delusions? Any suggestions?