My 20-something year old niece ( brothers daughter) has been in steep decline for years. Never diagnosed. Paranoia “everyone hates me”, “everyone watching me” has been off and on for awhile.
Background: my brother is a stoic boomer who has a “ pull yourself up by the boot straps” type; thus, daughter has never been diagnosed. His daughter has driven across the country and is wandering around the Pacific Northwest… been living out of her car for 2 months. Obsessed with the Twilight series—- parents in denial that there is a delusional connection here.
Her mom’s therapist convinced her parents that daughter is at a breaking point/ crisis and per description is either schizophrenic, borderline or bipolar. They have gone up there and been up there for a week. Daughter won’t let them near her…say they are the cause for all of her pain. “Everyone hates her” she believes.
She has 0 contact with anyone except her parents in a disjointed way. Who have 0 experience dealing with mental illness/ crisis. Some denial of possible schizophrenia ( despite what moms therapist suggested she well could be)…She has no other contacts. So—- Basically they have to wait until there is crisis—- either she hurts herself or someone else. Is there no other way? Any advice?