Nobody has answers for me, do you?

I’m concerned about my family member who admitted having hallucinations… they were on meds for a year it was good, off of it the last two years and they just lock themselves in their room, no phone, no tv, doesn’t want to talk to anyone. I don’t wish for anyone to force them to involuntary admission to mental hospital because they haven’t been a threat yet to themselves or others. They just wanna be left alone and eat food that’s it, but they don’t walk more than a few steps a day to get food from dining room and rush back to their room and lock it again. WHAT CAN I DO SPECIFICALLY? Talking nicely everyday to them didn’t work, some other family members are getting fed up of the situation because they are ignorant of mental disorders… I’m crying everyday I don’t know what to do, went to useless psychiatrist, what to do?

Make her some gifts like a new cd so as to listen to it together and try to communicate with other ways. Or you could buy her tools for painting and make her join you. If she likes food, you could atract her by making the meal together and also to trigger her to find on the web new recipes. Also a pet always helps (according to my opinion). You could find a reason to go out with her for a 15 min walk with the dog. Dont ask her a lot because she will always be negative. Its better to say, maria lets go for a walk dress yourself, rather than maria would you like to go out? But im not sure what kind of illness she has, is it depression and scz or scz and because of the medicine cannot find any strength to do other things?


Ask her “is there anything I can do for you today?” I read this suggestion from @Hereandhere, (?) and my son always seemed so pleased to be asked.


@Love_Hope - Maybe you or your brother could say OR write (sometimes they think people/CIA are listening in on them) tell her you remember her saying she was diagnosed with having hallucination and you’d like to talk to her about that.

Is she bathing? It sounds like you may get to a point where you may have to involuntarily get her into the hospital -which is challenging but not always a bad think. If someone comes to do a mental health check they ask if they are eating, bathing or at harm to themselves? What Country/State is she in?


Does she like animals? The reason I ask is my sons bond with his dog has been very helpful at times when he has refused both medications and therapy, isolated himself with poor self care. He at least went outside with the dog a few times a day and had someone to interact with who is non-judgemental and loves him unconditionally. He’s always said his dog is his best therapist. Yes there have been times the animal care fell on us, but the dog is the best motivator he has especially when all else fails.


I had no real success with forcing my daughter into the hospital (4 times) as she would not stay on her medicine. Now she lives mostly in her room, takes food, occasionally goes out on her own, and has no life from my view. However, it is calmer in my home to just leave her to her own isolated life. Legally, I cannot make her seek treatment as she is not dangerous to self or others. I won’t lie about it to get her treated, or even “stretch the truth” anymore as she will not stay on the meds. I am used to the idea of taking care of her with very little return, my husband puts up with it and the rest of my family (who do not live with us) ignore us for the most part. So sad. She used to be my best friend out of my 4 children. The illness has eaten up most of her good personality. I don’t have any answers for you except to try to get others in your home to understand severe MI. NAMI classes and books helped me change from resentment to acceptance.


@oldladyblue that is exactly what I wish that the caregivers do. I only visit them, I live far, my heart aches everyday from afar for them

@Elsa that is heartwarming about the dog. The “caregivers” won’t let that happen. I hope everything will improve someday somehow with my unwell loved ones, at least for the “caregivers” to see clearer and be nicer…

I hope your wish comes true, the ones who care for her need to learn about the illness and how to REALLY help. I hope you find some comfort in facing this for your sister.

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