As I said in my new and previous post I don’t suffer from sz but maybe a person I know does.
So I wondered…if someone has auditive and visual hallucinations, after he took his meds can be aware that they’re not real? Can you explain to him that what he sees it’s nothing but only his illness?
I’d really would like to know
I was diagnosed when I was 17. I’m 29 now. I am on 40 mg Latuda and 50 mg Seroquel, and I’ve been med compliant for about 6 years. I’ve also been clean and sober for 6 years.
Despite this, I still have some voices. They die down when I’m feeling well, and they amp up when I’m getting stressed, and tired.
I do still have some visual hallucinations such as an all-consuming fire and walls moving and furniture growing and shrinking. The fire was due to a real fire that happened when I was younger. But these days, in the thick of it, I don’t always realize the fire is just a head circus act. I can see, feel, smell, and hear, the fire. But I do eventually snap out of it.
I also have some low level hallucinations that I do know aren’t real. But it took me therapy as well as meds to get to this level of recognizing things as illness related and not reality.
Sometimes it takes more then meds alone.
Thank you, now is more clear
Try to look at it this way. Whether the experience is an hallucination, delusion or real it is still being seen, felt and heard and becomes as much a real memory as any other. I don’t think the brain can tell the difference between physically real and hallucination real. If it feels real it is real. Once stable then to a certain degree I think the person can realize that because everyone else is telling them it’s not real and because it seems highly unlikely that it was real that maybe it wasn’t. But that will not change the memory of the experience. You can be told that a memory you have is wrong but it won’t change the fact that you have that memory. I hope that made sense
Yeah it really made sense to me. Thank you but it’s good to hear that when someone’s stable can tell the difference between reality and hallucinations, even for a schizophrenic himself. Or so I suppose!
That was a perfect way to explain why we have a lot of false memories and confusion in our recall.
Even I haven’t been able to get that message across to some family as concisely. Thank you for this.