Substance Abuse


My Son has Schizophrenia plus severe substance abuse disorder. He has been in rehab many times with no success. Drs say he is mentally stable.

Anyone here with the same experience?

Does a person with Schizophrenia have the insight of substance use disorder?

Thank you

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Hello. I’m sorry to hear you are dealing with this. My brother also abused drugs in his twenties. Many many LSD trips. He is now past 60, and he does have insight enough to be able to say he used to have a severe substance abuse problem.

I’m wondering how the doctors are able to say your son is mentally stable when he has both schizophrenia and is abusing substances.

I think the addictive mindset will always linger but I have seen that it can be overcome and the insight will arise. My brother, after a suicide attempt and rehabs, eventually shifted his focus to cigarettes–a pretty common addiction for those who suffer from MI–but he quit smoking after my mom relentlessly badgered him and is now pretty obsessive about nicotine gum. And vitamins/supplements. His sobriety, if you can call it that, is a point of pride and strength now and he will preach it to anyone who will listen. It’s been a long battle though. Hard to watch. I wish you well.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I am so glad for you and your Brother. I don’t feel alone in this forum. As you know the norm don’t always understand. If I may ask you what Country did your Brother get treated in? I am in Canada and our Mental Health Care system is overloaded.


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No, you’re definitely not alone, Vivian.

He was/is treated in the United States.

My SZ son is a crack cocaine addict too. Our lives have been hell.

I’m walking in your shoes. My son, 27, Who is bipolar schizoaffective is now a crack cocaine addict. We are moms we don’t give up. But as moms we have to try to remember to take care of us too. Dads too.

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I just reached my limit but it’s really killing me inside like literally. My depression getting worse. It destroys the family.
