The Lines Project: This event will be launched on the 15th - 20th December. Draw 6 lines on your wrist which represent the millions of lives lost to suicide - this is to spread awareness. If you suffer from suicidal thoughts or self-harm or bullying or abuse or depression or any kind of mental illness, draw the lines on your left wrist. If you are supporting, draw the lines on your right wrist.
You can use the same colours as the photo or choose your own colours; you can even use the colours that represent the awareness ribbons of your conditions/illnesses. Use a Sharpie, felt-tip pen, washable marker, paint, nail varnish or ‘Photoshop’ the lines on to your photo. Remember to take a photo of your wrist: you will be able to upload your photo on a pinned post which will be placed at the top of all the pages wall (that are involved), on the 14th December.