Tufts Medical Center Caregiver Survey

Researchers at Tufts Medical Center/Tufts University are recruiting 1,000 caregivers of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and/or schizoaffective disorder. Caregivers must be unpaid; not receiving any financial compensation for their services.

Purpose of study:

• to learn more about the health, employment and unmet needs of caregivers
• to help identify services that could better support caregivers

To be eligible, you must be:

• at least 21 years of age
• able to read English

We are interested in recruiting caregivers who are employed but you may participate even if you are not employed.

Participation involves:

• completing one 20-30 minute, anonymous questionnaire on a private, secure website
• and, if you are selected, completing up to two brief follow-up questionnaires (about 10 minutes each) on the website
• follow-up questionnaires require an email address so we may notify you when due

For the extra time involved in the follow-up questionnaires:

• you will receive a $10 Amazon e-card immediately by email (up to $20 for two follow-ups)

Participation is voluntary:

• you may stop participating at any time for any reason


Apparently “Dear Abby” picked this up, I just read this today, so the survey is ongoing:

DEAR READERS: The departments of psychiatry and medicine at Tufts Medical Center want to learn more about the impact that caregiving has on family members and friends of people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.

Because family members and friends of individuals with mental illness play a large part in providing care – while also balancing jobs and other life responsibilities – the physicians and research scientists at Tufts are asking you to share the impact caregiving has on different aspects of your life, including your ability to work and your health and well-being. This information will be used to improve services to caregivers and the people they support.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please visit REDCap. Participation in this study is voluntary and involves completing an anonymous survey.

Dear Abby readers are the most generous and caring folks in the world, and I hope some of you are willing to help with this project.