This is more meant for partner care givers and not parents. I can understand how a parent can love their child unconditionally. It’s right there in blood. This is mine. I made this. The idea gets fuzzier when I try to think about how romantic partners stay with a loved one who is sz or sza. I’m not saying a parent is easy but there is a well defined reason. This is my child. I wonder what partners think when we try to meow back at the cats at the pet store. What is your reasoning? How does your love last? There’s a built in fifteen - eighteen odd years worth of memories before the kid goes nuts (usually) when you’re a parent. A romantic partner doesn’t have all those memories. Your memories are them trying to glue pants to the walls.
Someone on here recently (I went back and looked but I couldn’t find that post) commented when were were all telling this one person they should leave their sz partner saying that we just don’t know what it’s like loving someone with sz.
I started to think about that for a while and I honestly have no idea. It really makes you wonder what love is. Some people can’t stay together because they can’t stand the way the other person chews or drums their fingers on the dash board but other people can stay with someone and still love them even after they go through your phone, find a conversation with someone of the opposite sex, take photos of the texts for reference, leave you before you wake up to go back home, and then call you screaming and crying saying something was going on when you had just sent a smiley face. (Yes, I actually did this, but to be fair we don’t live together and I had to go back to my parents house the next day anyways).
What makes you stay? What makes you not just say ‘nope, done with this. This is the fourth time you’ve dug up the yard looking for leprechauns’ and just leave. (I didn’t do that one).
I guess I mean what are your feelings? What makes it worth it?
I have a fiancee and whenever I ask him he says ‘I saw you and knew that you needed someone to stay with you, so I stayed with you.’
He was with me when I was at my most crazy and hasn’t budged. I just wonder why? How? If one of my friends had been dating someone like me I probably would have told them, she’s nuts. I haven’t gotten as bad as a lot of the loved ones partners come on this site to ask for advice on, but I’m just wondering maybe we’ve all been too hasty. In other words, if you had to say. Where’s the line? and What makes this worth it?